On Jul 22, 2008, at 8:52 AM, sparaig wrote:

I'm hard-pressed to find intelligent Arizonans who plan on voting for him unless
they are noe-issue anti-abortionists.

Unfortunately, I live in a blue city in a red state, so you can't go by my
impressions for which way the state will go.

What gets me is the story of his first wife, and how he treated
her (basically after she waited faithfully for him 5 long years, he
gets home, doesn't like the way she looks after a serious car
accident left her partially disabled, and summarily dumps her cold while carrying on an affair with his now-second wife before said dumping.)

Can you imagine if Obama or *any* serious Democratic
contender had done anything even remotely similar?  The
Repugs, along with the media, would be all over them like flies.
You can just hear the hysterical screaming about how such
callous treatment would totally disqualify him,  render him
unfit for office, etc.


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