do.rflex wrote:
> A tiny rectangle superimposed on the vast expanse of the Sahara
> captures the seductive appeal of the audacious plan to cut Europe's
> carbon emissions by harnessing the fierce power of the desert sun.
> Dwarfed by any of the north African nations, it represents an area
> slightly smaller than Wales but scientists claimed yesterday it could
> one day generate enough solar energy to supply all of Europe with
> clean electricity.
> Speaking at the Euroscience Open Forum in Barcelona, Arnulf
> Jaeger-Walden of the European commission's Institute for Energy, said
> it would require the capture of just 0.3% of the light falling on the
> Sahara and Middle East deserts to meet all of Europe's energy needs.
> The scientists are calling for the creation of a series of huge solar
> farms - producing electricity either through photovoltaic cells, or by
> concentrating the sun's heat to boil water and drive turbines - as
> part of a plan to share Europe's renewable energy resources across the
> continent. 
> Full article:
And Reagan when he took office had the solar panels that Carter had put 
up removed.  Shows you what a bunch of dumbass oil company suck ups the 
Republicans are.  They are the people to blame for the fix we're in and 
don't let anyone tell you different (because they are most likely a 
Republican shill).

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