> On Jul 24, 2008, at 8:43 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> > It wasn't really population growth that I was thinking about when 
> > brought up the topic of sexual energy.  There are areas which
> > western medecine seems clueless, and which I believe are 
> > area of study, and which have been studied and mapped out by 
> > schools.
> Actually an MD, Wilhelm Reich, introduced the idea of a universal  
> energy, connected with human sexuality and orgasm which he called  
> orgone. He was not only ostracized for his claims, but later  
> imprisoned for devices he believed could localize prana/orgone.  
> Before he was imprisoned and his books burned en masse. For a  
> wonderful account of his discovery from the POV of his young son,  
> check out The Book of Dreams by Peter Reich.
> I've spent some time in Reich's old laboratory and stayed at his 
> in the western mountains of Maine. Based on the replication of his  
> experiments that I've witnessed, he does appear to have re- 
> discovered, albeit in scientific terms, the force we know as 
> In fact, when I last visited his lab, I had the opportunity to 
> some old 16mm footage of isolation of prana in vacuum tubes and a  
> motor which ran on life energy. The plans for this motor were 
> and have never been recovered.

That american organization, the haters of truth, the Buddisths of 
Kali Yuga, the core of everything civilized nations despise about the 
americans, the FBI; they stole it. They new Reich was on to something 
important and put this visionary initiate in jail, where he died.


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