I got this from someone on Heavenly Mountain on
September 1, 2001.

Hi, any new news after this call on the future of the
TM movement in America?

Hi Friends, I have taken the time to transcribe these
notes from a tape of a conference call for TM
Governors, with the west coast regional coordinator.
She speaks with Maharishi regularly. There is so much
heavy, important information here, that I want to send
it to all my friends. The first part consists of her
verbatim notes when MMY was speaking, then the next
part on a follow-up talk which may be more paraphrased
(that's where it was stated that the demon Ravana is
working through George W. Bush!) Very
thought-provoking and helpful to see what Maharishi's
attention is on these days. (any question mark means I
am either not sure of the spelling or not sure I heard
the word on the tape clearly.)

Jai Guru Dev, Mary

Jai Guru Dev. This is probably one of the largest
governor meetings that's been held in a long time,
outside of a course She wants to start by thanking
each and every one of you who has joined this call
tonight. Many have been viewing the MOU channel daily,
so are very aware of Maharishi's displeasure with NATO
and "bombing for peace". Now we are hearing more the
negative repercussions from around the world directed
at the attitude, behavior, and positioning of the
United States. Curt and Christie Kleinschnitz gave a
report on the Maharishi Vedic Center project.
Maharishi approved it as a very good plan, he just
wanted us to reduce the cost so more can be built.
After the Kleinschnitz couple reviewed for Maharishi
the plan of rebuilding the whole country in accordance
with Stapathya Veda principles, including their idea
to apply for some federal Foundation funds to help
with this, here are MMY's comments on the real
situation in the U.S. today: "The president is
destroying the foundation of the world. Tell them that
you are a Foundation for the good of the people. We
are trying to create coherence in society. He
(referring to the president) is even more violent than
Hitler. (The regional coordinator makes a comment here
that what he meant is that the potential for what Bush
could do is more violent than what Hitler did during
WWII). A new Rakshasa in America. He could destroy the
world, and he may. It is good that the money stays in
the bank, and we ascend to Heaven. We want to
counteract these actions. Don't waste time asking for
funds. The governors had intended to apply for some
U.S. Govt. grants for their project) Waste of time! We
are powerful. We will not take bad money. Whether the
world comes or goes, we maintain our dignity. Don't
waste time by asking for funds and all this, and go by
your regular business procedures. Waste of time. We
are powerful, and we don't have to beg money from
those people. It is this begging for money that I
dislike. So whether the world continues breathing or
stops breathing, but it is not our dignity to ask for
money here and there. We just stand (?) the whole
thing and maintain our dignity. Write them (the
Foundation) but with an
authority. Begging them for money and all that - NO!
You say that today, we are telling you that your money
will remain in the bank, and the banks will be
going to Heaven. Use authority with them. Some things
we needed to ask from them for 10 years, to get some
money. No, no. Three years, try to save your life, and
we have the authority to give the license to
live. With authority, with authority, with boldness,
openness say, 'Your country is going to go, and you
should save your money for your own life.' (At this
point, Curt Kleinschnitz very quietly said, 'Not very
many people write them letters to that point,
Maharishi.') Maharishi said: Write them, that we are
inviting you to continue to breathe life on Earth
because your president is putting you on fire. That we
are a charitable organization. We invite you to
continue to breathe life. Otherwise all your
charitable foundations and charity and this, the
whole thing doesn't mean a thing. Take them with
charitable things and say that they are alive in the
world. Save your life. This is very bad. There's a
very bad opposition in Europe. Everywhere he
(president Bush) went, but it doesn't matter. Even if
he is honored in Europe, he is going to eat up life
for the world, that's all. We are doing our things. We
are doing, we are propagating these things,
jyotish and all those things that we have on the
market. Only I was trying to make every aspect of our
undertaking to be more effective. I want it to be more
effective. In 3 or 4 days I'll inform you what to do
about the whole thing. But whatever we are doing, it's
not enough to save the world. It is never enough to
save the world. 10-20 people here and there, and
giving this lecture and gathering that
people and all, no, it won't help the world. It's a
big world of ours. We have to do something with more
wakefulness. All these little things that we've been
doing, the time is over for all these little things.
We've done all these for 40-50 years, everywhere, and
we're going to do something more effective. More
effective jyotish, more effective whispers to the
people to eliminate pain and all that. More effective,
more effective, more effective. In a few days I'm
going to come out with the whole thing. I've heard
your very inspiring suggestions and this and
this, and all that you could do in your position, you
are doing, you are doing, you are doing. But now I've
started to dig deep into what is happening and what
can happen in the world. Now, we have a Global County
of World Peace. Those tactics which we have been doing
here and there and there, they are trivial for us now.
You want to be more effective, and in a few days you
will know the whole thing. This is because in America,
I would never have thought that this
Rakshasa will be born in America. I have tens of
thousands of governors in America, but how many are
teaching? It's a shame to those individuals, but for
the money they are going here and there. And just for
earning money and all that, all that. The whole thing
has proved to be in my mind, a failure. Movement in
America is a failure. I'll not close the Movement, but
I'll make it more effective, more efficient. All the
ideas need to come from American creativity;
Americans should be doing this. The whole thing is
very unsatisfactory; very poor show, very poor show.
This is American creativity - one man comes, and rules
around the world, and destroys everything. What is
America? This kind of America? This is a lifeless
America. But this man may do something, because he
comes with a new American creativity and bombs
everyone here, there and everywhere. Like that, like
that, like that. When we look at the whole thing,
we're not successful Movement in the world. We amuse
ourselves like that, like that, good stories and fine,
and yes, yes, very good, but the whole thing is trash.
Not very substantial. But as individuals, you can only
do what you are doing. I have to re-do the Movement in
America. What is going on is just
satisfactory. But it is good that I have heard what
you are doing and I am satisfied with you as
individuals. You only do what you are doing, but with
that I am not satisfied. I'm going to change the face
of the Movement, this way and that way, within a few
days. I will make policies and that will be in favor
of world consciousness rising in coherence. On that
global level of the country, I am taking the challenge
of this Rakshasa of the United States of America. But
I am starting to wake up to my
responsibility. Within 2-3-4 days, I will put out all
the policies and the whole thing that we will do in
America. But I will restructure the whole thing. All
that is being done is deception for this very powerful
knowledge of total Natural Law. This whole thing is
rubbish, very poor show. So in a few days, I'm going
to recast the whole policy of the whole Movement. With
this knowledge, after 50 years, such a Rakshasa in the
most creative country in the world - we have not done
justice to the knowledge. If a Rakshasa is created in
the most creative country in the world, then the 
consciousness is weak.

"...but mountain doesn't move!"


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