Published July 15, 2008 12:14 am -


Pond scum to power?

State considering proposal from MUM to create algae bioreactor


By MATT MILNER Courier staff writer


FAIRFIELD - You know that greenish tinge the swimming pool gets when you run
out of chlorine? The same one that showed up when the filter on the fish
tank broke?


What if you could use that to run your car?


Some researchers believe that's possible. And the state is considering a
proposal from Maharishi University of Management to create an algae


It's a fancy name for a concept that is really quite simple, and it has
several potential advantages. Algae use photosynthesis to live. That's the
same basic process as other plants like trees and grass. The key is
chlorophyll, a green pigment that drives the reaction.


Photosynthesis uses light to produce energy for the plant and also strips
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Oxygen is a byproduct.


An algae farm uses photosynthesis to scrub the atmosphere. Algae grows fast,
so projects based on it can expand rapidly.


And there are some industrial applications already being tested. Some power
plants are using algae farms to strip out emissions, since the hot, carbon
dioxide-laden gases are a banquet for the tiny plants. Other scientists are
looking at using algae as a food supply in areas that crops won't easily


But none of this, including your cloudy fish tank, is producing oil. What's


MUM Professor Lonnie Gamble has the answer. It's not about what the algae
produce; it's about what the algae is.


"It turns out that the bodies of algae are about 50 percent oil. We can make
fuel from them," he said.


It's possible to refine the oil into biofuel that can then power vehicles.
The MUM project is partnering with Valcent, a Texas-based company, to
examine the potential for beginning a university bioreactor to produce and
refine the algae.


The current efforts are laboratory scale. The university wants to expand
that to a quarter-acre greenhouse for the algae as a test site. Researchers
believe industrial scale production will require sites of at least 100


Assistant Professor Jimmy Sinton directs the bioreactor project. He said the
key for future use of algae is that the plant is not difficult to grow, nor
is it difficult to understand.


The Iowa Power Fund will give money to the project, though it's not yet
clear how much. The original request was $2 million, but negotiations have
not set the final amount.


The question is whether the process is in itself fuel efficient. There's no
net benefit if it takes more power to produce the algae biofuel than you get
in return.


The good news is that it doesn't take much to grow the algae. Some algae
farms use gas vented from smokestacks as food for the algae. Sinton is not
planning to use that process for his algae. Geothermal heat and passive
sunlight are enough, particularly on the small scale currently being


Algae farmers don't need much space, either. Rooftop farms are possible, and
urban production is viable in the long term.


Both Gamble and Sinton say the process is close to carbon neutral. That
means it produces as much carbon as a fuel as it removes while it grows.
It's a trade-off.


But expanded use of the algae can make it carbon negative. Sinton pointed to
algae as a building material as an example of how producers can sequester
carbon and keep it out of the atmosphere on a long-term basis.


Money is a driving factor for the research. The process works. But the
money-saving advances haven't come in yet. Sinton's current estimates are
that setup will cost $300,000 per acre. That number will fall as researchers
learn how best to use materials.


That's a lot, but the payoffs are big as well. Sinton put production at
30,000 gallons per acre per year at the trial stage. Full-scale production
could produce as much as 600,000 gallons per acre per year.


As with everything, research should find ways to lower the production costs
and raise profits.


"We're focused particularly on how to produce cost-effective biodiesel,"
Sinton said. "The answers are all there. Nobody's put them all together."


Matt Milner can be reached at (641) 683-5359 or via e-mail at





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