John McCain is talking himself into a hole.   He is
too focused on the surge and not focused enough on other issues.   He is very 
focused on Obama and not very
focused on the issues.   I believe that
Senator McCain is digging a surge hole.  
When they begin debates Obama will count the amount of American deaths
that took place as a result of the surge, then he will look at the results and
finally will go back to his initial premise which is that the US government,
the US military were never to be in that war, the reasons for going there were
lies, and the economic impact of the war has been staggering to the US economy.
 Did the surge take place for free?  Was the surge absolutely responsible for 
drop in violence?  What happens if the
violence picks up in September?


Why do people believe John McCain will be a good commander
and chief?   Is it because he was
captured and held as a prisoner of war?   Is that the kind of commander and 
chief we
want?  Is it premature to say we have won
the war?  Is it premature to say that the
surge worked?  I believe Senator McCain
is digging a very fatal whole.


John McCain is adopting the strategy that did not work for
Senator Clinton.   He is bickering,
attacking, and yelling poor me over and over again.   He could not congratulate 
Senator Obama on a
successful trip instead he said “He is taking a premature victory lap.”   I 
believe that by the end of democratic
convention Senator Obama will have a double digit lead over Senator McCain and
the WORLD will be happy.  Because one
thing that was evident by his trip was that the a great portion of the World
loves and wants Barack Obama as President of the United States of America.





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