--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 29, 2008, at 11:28 AM, Michael James Flatley wrote:
> > I just joined this site.
> >
> > Lived in Fairfield from '78 - -'89.
> >
> >
> > I understand MMY had only one relative, a nephew.  Is the nephew the
> > successor to the organization, and inheritor to the $900 million cash
> > stashed away in Swiss accounts?  Did Bevin Morris inherit anything?
> > Whatever happened to Greg and Georgina?  What about Jeffrey Clemons
> > and Byron P. Rigby?

I think he has 2 nephews. King Tony Nader is the closest to a
successor in terms of authority, though who knows who controls all the
money.  I doubt any individual inherited any money.  Greg was in
canada fleecing sidhas for Governors Corp before it went bankrupt - I
hear he's still there in some kind of business.  

> >
> > I could never figure out why it was so important to Maharishi to have
> > vast amounts of cash in Swiss accounts.... into his eighties.... it
> > was obvious he was near the end of his life... why not do something
> > brilliant with the money?  Is this not a mystery to anyone who knew
> > this man well, and knew how hard he strived to accumulate massive
> > sums of cash?

I heard he ran afoul of the swiss bank authorities and pulled out of
there.  The big movt trusts are offshore British now, though they may
just be conduits into Indian accounts.  It is a mystery to anyone who
thinks about it why mmy was obsessed with raising money till the end
even though he had plenty, but most sidhas in the tmo don't think
about it or actually believe the mov't was really broke.
> >
> > I checked the web-site for MUM to see if the school still exists.  I
> > see that it does still exist.  The web-site is very professional, and
> > the programs look good.... do they still have enrollment at 500?

MUM exists by attracting Africans into their business and computer
programs - they get loans and a degree that leads to a green card so
it's popular.  They used to get a fair amount of indians and chinese
but they wised up as to the quality.  Very few 20-something americans
go to school there.

> > The $900,000,000 USD in Swiss banks would be enough to provide free
> > tuition to thousands of students for decades.
> >
> > I also learned that MMY treasured the diamond ring from Guru Dev.
> >
> > This is strange: Guru Dev never gave him the ring.  The ring was left
> > on Guru Dev's corpse when the casket was lowered into the Ganges.
> > MMY dove into the river, almost immediately to open the casket and
> > remove the diamond ring from Guru Dev's finger.  Aparently, he
> > figured that somebody would rob the grave eventually, it might as
> > well be him.
> >
> > He loved the ring.  He loved Guru Dev.
> >
> > Clearly, he wished to improve the world.
> >
Yes but even ruthless dictators want to improve the world in their own
way - the question is why did mmy run the mov't into the ground by
turning it into a silly cult, turn a blind eye to the lack of progress
among his followers and hoard all the money? 

> > Clearly, meditation was beneficial to hippies.  Along with short hair
> > and conservative attire.

It's true that young people with drug and other major problems
probably benefited from their association with tm and mmy.  TM was
generally good for me, but the sidhis and the mov't itself were the
worst things I've ever done for my physical, emotional and mental
health.  Jesus fundamentalism may have gotten Bush off the whiskey,
but that doesn't make it a great spiritual path for all.

> > The White Album is a great album.... composed mostly in Rishikesh.
> >
> >
> >
> > Getting sucked into a cult for more than a decade?  Well, we make the
> > best choices we can given our consciousness at the time.  I noticed
> > that Sidhas were not building more awareness. A decade of Golden Dome
> > attendence was not reversing the biological aging.  And people were
> > giving too much money to Maharishi who was already extremely wealthy.
> >
> > Something just wasn't right... and I was ready for something
> > completely different.
> >
> > I am grateful to have made wonderful friends, and I miss these people.
> >
> > I would love to see more consciousness in the world.  I still pursue
> > consciousness.  I'm posting here to inquire about the possibility of
> > having something conscious done with the three billion dollar empire.

Don't hold your breath - the people who control the empire are totally
devout to MMY and will pursue similar paths with similar energy.

> > Bevin, if you read this, I would like to hear from you.  You're in a
> > position to disclose a lot of truth, and possibly shed some light on
> > how everything started getting cooky when the origonal board of
> > trusties were dismissed.  The good guys were replaced with robots so
> > that a portion of our tuition money could be diverted into the swiss
> > bank accounts.  I know you know this.  Why doesn't it bother you?

Bevan thinks people who come to this site are going to hell.  Bevan
was the chief robot put in charge when the sane board got dismissed. 
What happened doesn't bother Bevan in the least because the decision
came from MMY and in his mind MMY was incapable of making a mistake.

> > Bevin, did you at least inherite a couple million?.... if not, you
> > sold your soul for the price of spinach.

He used to get lots of MIU babes though.  More seriously he got power
and a rock solid belief system that somehow keeps some inner turmoil
inside of him at bay.

> > And that should bother you.
> What is your source on MMY stealing the ringer off the corpse of Guru  
> Dev? While it doesn't surprise me, I don't recall hearing that one  
> before. Are you aware he was also a leading suspect in the murder of  
> Guru Dev?
> There's been some recent discussion here that the money might be  
> returning to India to his nephew Girish who controls the financial  
> empire there. MUM just had it's largest class in many years, a lot of  
> it people from foreign countries looking for a way into the US or  
> jobs here. Plus there's been a lot of proselytizing from Donovan and  
> David Lynch. Lynch along with "Dr." Howard Settle are having to fund  
> the sidhi program in FF to even get people to show up.
> Oh, and I guess you heard, the pundits finally showed up and were  
> immediately enclosed in barbwire-surrounded digs. I'm pretty sure it  
> was Vedic barbwire, so I wouldn't worry. :-)

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