> > "The English-only Obama lectures America on
> > its need to emulate polyglot Europe; while a
> > Spanish-speaking George Bush is hopelessly
> > cast as a Texas yokel.">>
> >
off wrote: 
> George Bush does not speak Spanish.
Maybe so, but it is fact that Obama cannot
speak French, German, Italian, or Spanish,
or any other language except English.

> And he is a not a yokel but a retard.
George W. Bush, with his MBA, jet fighter
pilots license, and big ranch down in Texas 
can't compare to all your accomplishments!

In what year did you say you graduated?

> > Read more:
> >
> > 'Why Do Europeans Love Obama?'
> > By Victor Davis Hanson
> > Pajamas Media, July 28th, 2008
> > http://tinyurl.com/54uph9 <http://tinyurl.com/54uph9>
> >

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