--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Re-reading Earl Kaplan's letter, which has been the subject of some
> discussion here recently, I was struck by his confident prediction
> that "There are no pundits and there will never be a group coming over
> to the U.S." Wrong, of course. Makes you wonder what else Earl might
> have been wrong about, doesn't it? 

Earl Kaplan was frustrated about promises reqarding how money would be 
applied toward technology of consciousness that would result in world 
peace.  Most of the funds he donated... like 99%.... were simply put in 
off-shore accounts( according to his investigation)in Mahesh's real 
name.  He was disappointed, indignant and shocked.

I think his assessment represents a lot of exageration.

Obiously, TM had huge benefits for tens of thousands... perhaps 
hundreds of thousands. Earl is saying that TM is no better than Herbert 
Benson's technique of repeating 'one' as a mantra.... and he's saying 
that people are getting brainwashed by a negative hierarchy of astral 
beings, etc. etc.  He's not the first to have this assessment.

All we can do is look at the health and well being of the long term 

I visited Fairfield for two days in 2000.... some of the 20 year sidhas 
looked ok for their age.... Some looked.... well let's just say.... 
they looked they've been... using the exact same technology of 
consciousness for more than a decade too long.

Back to Earl and David..... In exchange for the tens of millions 
donated, they did get one thing:  they became insiders... MMY was 
candid with then the way he was candid with Charlie Lutes and others he 
considered to be his friend.  MMY shot straight with Earl when he 
explained the dilema of following thru on the promise of assembling 
pundits to chant vedas and improve the world... if it failed, then he 
would be forever discredited.

That's what Earl was saying when he predicted their would never be a 
group coming to the US.... he was saying that MMY would do whatever it 
takes to avoid losing face.  If he only added that it won't happen 
while MMY is alive... then he would've been acurate.

Actually, MMY either coined the phrase, technology of conscious... or 
popularized it within his sphere of influence... and overall, he will 
go down in history a real philosopher... pursuing social experiments, 
that had noticable effects.

Like I said in my first post:  White Album.  Proof is in the pudding.

The previous three albums were also great... it's just that we know 
some of these terrific songs on the White Album were a product of 
retreat in Rishikesh.  The quality of these songs is through the roof.

And TM helped.  The retreat helped.  I knew that Sexy Sady was about 
MMY.  I didn't care... at age 18... I made the assumption that TM 
helped the Beatles take their music to the next level.

Same eith Eastwood, Burette, Reynolds....Donavan might be the exception
his talent might've been greater prior to being initiated. Same with 
Brian Wilson. 

LSD was a real problem in '68.

LSD ruined Syd Barret's carreer.  So we needed a natural alternative to
psychedelic drugs in '68 - '70.  What MMY contributed in this regard 
will make the history books.

Hendrix and Morrison were probably too self-destructive to be saved 
with a mental technique.... however, the typical hippie was just 
interested in alternatives to the anti-conscious bs that came to a head
with Vietnam... and assinations... and CIA...and corporate greed.

What he achieved from a marketing standpoint deserves to be studied and 
admired in Harvard Business School.

On the other hand, 125,000 repetitions is all you should ever need from 
one mantra.

125,000 repetitions is enough to get the entire physiology resonating 
with the sound of that mantra.

I knew there was a problem when my friends who saved their pennies to 
get the bliss technique.... for $700.... told me they were shocked and 
dismayed to get instructed in a technique they had already been doing 
on their own.

Intuitively, I knew that I was already doing it, too... I just picked 
up telapathicly what the technique was... and I'm thinking, yea, I play 
with that.  So that helped me to start detaching.

And at that point, I would be reluctant to trust MMY with anything 
ever... not anything that costs money, anyway.  $400 to add a syllable 
to my mantra?  He pushed me away with this behaviour.  And he lost 

I had no idea he was socking money away in secret personal accounts 
until Dr. Castle told me about his interaction with the Kaplans.  

I got that information in 2004, 15 years after I left the TMO.

Socking away a few million.... no biggie..... socking away 900 million 
is just plain bizarre.

Aparently this site is 90% guys..... in their late fifties, and early 
sixties.... who are split on the subject of this technology of 
consciousness being extremely beneficial to the world.... or marginally 
beneficial... or a scam.

Perhaps we can all agree, we live in a time of global shift... 
upheaval, and face high probability of the world population dropping by 
several billion over the next few decades.

Very impressive that sustainable living is the most popular major at 

I did a lot of research on the cosmology association with the earth 
changes and mysteries associated with the time period of 2010-13.

Big phase transition.

One procession of the equenox is 25,900 years.  When our solar system 
aligns with the center of the galaxy in 2010-13, we will also be at the 
completion point of a grand cycle, which is 12 processions, 309,000 

Big phase transition.

Mostly unfathomable... while there are some distinctions, such as will 
we still have this body in 2015?

Humanity as we know it, appears to be close to a re-shuffling of the 
deck.  This bullshit with Aribs and Jews?  And even wars in general.  
We could be at the tail end of a lot of bs, with the accelerated 
changing culminating in a few years.  Then a few decades to stabilize, 
without the continued acceleration we're currently in ... The earth is 
a conscious being, and she has limits as to what she can tolerate.

Dr Castle told me that the saints in the Himalayas make the guestimate 
that the population of the planet will return to a normal one billion 
range by 2050 or sooner.

How could we sustain 6-10 billion for another hundred years?  

So everything is about to change a lot.  And just the distinction of 
keeping a body on this dimension for another decade or more might not 
be something we should take for granted.

Getting another 250 pundits in Fairfield?  It's a good thing.


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