this theory is so profound, it could lead to a nobel peace prize

--- In, "Michael James Flatley" 
> > 
> > I'm voting for gullibility, sorry. On my part, 
> > and on the part of everyone else here, too. People
> > didn't get their energy and their money "sucked"
> > from them, they gave it away.
> >
> You guys (Curt/Turk)are half-way there.
> Here's what you're missing and what I was missing until 2001.
> You know that common theme/myth/archetype/story about the devil 
> saying,
> "hey, if you sign over your soul to me, I'll give you anything you 
> wish: Great wealth, beauty, fame, you name it."
> They never explain the dymanics of what the devil does with your 
> if you sign it to him.
> Negative beings, like Hitler, are oftentimes keenly interested in 
> spiritual advancement.  There is such a thing as evolving on a 
> negative path.
> Orientation.
> You know all those gay guys that wanted to be normal, and tried so 
> hard to be hetero?
> Well they couldn't overcome their orientation by just wishing or 
> pretending.... a being can however, gradually change their their 
> orientaton over a long period of time. 
> And sometimes a shift can occur suddenly.  The soul can choose to 
> configure.  The soul can cross the poles.
> In the myth, how do you suppose the devil benefits from 
> souls?
> Ever thought about that?
> Do think it's just more fun to have more slaves?
> There are higher worlds on higher dimensions.... kinda like high-
> school is higher than grade-school, etc.
> Approximately half of the beings on levels beyond us have a 
> orientation and half of the beings on levels beyond us have a 
> negative orientation
> > 
> > I'm voting for gullibility, sorry. On my part, 
> > and on the part of everyone else here, too. People
> > didn't get their energy and their money "sucked"
> > from them, they gave it away.
> >
> Our willingness to be tricked, fooled, deceived and then 
> was partially a function of our childlike innocence.
> Here's a Peter Gabriel quote:
> "I come to you, defences down, with the trust of a child."
> The whole dance that was unfolding within the TMO, was a co-
> of two different styles of soul functioning: positive vs. negative 
> orientation.
> We (the non-robots) with our positive orientation made the 
> that more intelligent and more evolved was also the equivalent to 
> more positive.
> One of the potential, concievable benefits of switching 
> is a spiritual quickening, in the sense that high-school is more 
> advanced than grade-school...
> MMY appealed to our lust for speedy advancement.  A lot of 
> and trickery was used, and here's the problem for him.
> Just like it's hard to get gay goes to go straight (or vice-versa) 
> it's hard to get positively oriented folks to adapt a negative 
> orientation.  
> If you allow a spiritual predator to consume your being..... you 
> still have the option of changing your mind, and leaving.
> The predators know that, expect that, and anticipate that.
> Huxley is said to have gone to a negative world after dying.... 
> however, he left after a reletively short time.
> A body is a meal.... sometimes, right?
> You can eat a cow.
> Did it ever occur to you that a soul can also be a meal?
> Bonding is happening everywhere.  Molecules, stars, galaxies, black-
> holes.
> In our reality, we have all this merging through the reproductive 
> process.  As a discarnate, after dying, you will have other types 
> merging opportunities.
> 60 trillion cells make up one human body.... What we call a soul, 
> also refered to as a fragment of an entity.
> Have you ever met someone where it looked like your energy coming 
> of their chakras?  That could've been an entity mate.
> The higher worlds with negative orientations engage in the process 
> soul fragments bonding together to form a larger more complete, as 
> the positively oriented worlds... it's just a question of doing it 
> a friendly or hostile fashion.
> Enlightened beings can and do lie.  Maharishi does not meet the 
> criteria of enlightenment that he outlined in SCI course.  In CC, 
> it's impossible to make mistakes.
> When he was smitten with Mia, and thought he had a chance of 
> with her...... that was a mistake.  She was not attracted to him, 
> he was not a romantic possibility for her.  Anyone in CC or higher, 
> by his own definition, would have enough cognitive functioning to 
> pick up on that.   So he wasn't enlightened according to his own 
> definition.  But his definitions are not realistic.
> Very advanced beings oftentimes lose 99.9% of their cognitive 
> abilities when they're feeling their oats.  It's real simple.  If 
> have body, you can get horny.  And in times of horniness, an IQ of 
> 190 can drop to 90.
> Here's why Maharishi is creative genius:
> He was smart enough to deceive other super-smart folks.  He used 
> time with Guru Dev to study the positive orientation.... what makes 
> us tick.
> All of the issues we have with mating... and sex.  There is a 
> dynamic on higher realms with the process of soul fragments coming 
> together to form larger entities.
> On the higher negative realms they do a lot of competition.  A lot 
> seduction and trickery and lying.  It's more fun for them to play 
> merging game that way.
> Also, if you're familiar with muti-level marketing pyramids, that's 
> perfect metaphor.  A large number on the bottom levels feeding a 
> small number at the top.
> Did you know that MMY (in Holland, '94 - death) spent $125,000 per 
> week on fresh cut flowers?  Energetically, this is a large appetite.
> We can't say that he's on the top of the food chain.  If there's a 
> few more levels above him, then he's also getting sucked, which 
> help explain the inclination to suck the celestial energy out of 
> $125,000 in fresh cut flowers per week.
> MMY had a hidden agenda.
> To recruit as many souls as possible into his pryamid..... knowing 
> that as many as 99% of the positively oriented would bale as soon 
> they became conscious of what was going on, yet there would be 1% 
> say yes to crossing the poles over to a negative orientation.
> How much he would get to advance in the negative hierarchy was in 
> proportion to how many joined the n-team, switching from the p-team.

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