OffWorld rants, vents his spleen, and is continually frustrated with 
the little things in life, as he is continually telling us in his 
posts here.

He's got a lot of pent up rage, hostility, and hatred.  And there 
are, of course, conspiracies around every corner.

Here's a way he can deal with all these horrible injustices:


The other day, a Florida man didn't get what he wanted when he 
ordered two sandwiches from Subway.  So what did he do?

He called 911!  And not one but three times!

Hear the three 911 calls:

So if this guy can use 911 as a sounding board when a sandwich order 
goes wrong, it is therefore entirely appropriate that OffWorld call 
911 to complain about George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the war in Iraq.  
And the kind and sympathetic ears of the 911 operators can listen to 
him as he waxes poetically about all the conspiracy theories that 
are, in concert, ruining his peaceful life up there on Lake Champlain.

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