--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Barbara Thomas"
> The site I'm always reading and telling you about has now 
> published a Master Index that contains 180 different articles 
> regarding every aspect of the Bible imaginable, with the 
> following challenge: "IF anyone can provide Scripture that 
> supports their "idea" or claim that anything we have published 
> is not 100% Biblical, email the Verse(s) which prove us wrong 
> and we will publish them.

100% Biblical. 

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but 
the book that starts by wanting me to believe 
in a talking snake is definitely my "gold 
standard" for credibility. 

If it's Biblical it must be true, right? You
know, the way if it's Vedic, it's good?

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