--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The word was that he was going to be Attorney General so you can 
>figure that big business wanted to get whatever goods they could on 
>him before he had a chance put an end to the corruption of laissez 
>faire capitalism.
 Yea, this has big business's fingerprints all over it doesn't 
Bairitu?  I mean, big business probably recrited this lady to seduce 
him, and wait for the right moment to break the story.  Poor John 
bears no responsibility.  In fact he is a hero in this whole ordeal, 
at least by your way of thinking.  But of course you conveniently see 
a conspiracy wherever you wish to see it.  And the conspiricies just 
always happen to be perpetrated by the parties you disagree with.  
Makes me glad I'm an independent, so I don't feel I'm aligned with 
this weak thinking.  

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