--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---right!  Also, there seems to be no "one stop shop" in spite of 
> what TB in most organizations would have us believe, especially the 
> TMO.  Like most people on this forum, I select the Spiritual goodies 
> from a variety of different sources.
>  In addition, I'm preparing a special report on why TM is a flawed 
> technique;...or rather in itself, a flawed program.  It's a matter of 
> error by omission: it doesn't go far enough. People then gravitate to 
> other sources outside the TMO (e.g. tantrik techniques) to make up 
> for the missing pieces. 

Where they will no doubdt continue their lifelong programme of 
unseriousness. Bothering Teachers in all directions.


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