--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> > > > If you cannot supply a fairly sizable list of
> > > > other teachers or traditions that taught you
> > > > "one on one" their form of meditation, why
> > > > should we believe that the reason you "sense"
> > > > that TM is the bestest is for any other reason
> > > > than because you were told that it is, and you
> > > > ...dare I say it...detached from any other input, 
> > > > and believed what you were told to believe?
> Other than the marketing angle, I don't see any advantage 
> in claiming any comparisons between meditations. 

IMO, only a teacher with a pretty serious 
inferiority complex and a need to "prove
himself" to the Brahman monks who looked
down on him in Guru Dev's ashram would 
even *think* of making such a claim.

> Maharishi started this scale
> system with his being the bestest and I regret buying into 
> that POV when I was into TM.  

But at least you *admit* that you bought 
into it. So did I.

Judy can't admit that. To us, or to herself.

> Now it seems like such a hollow claim on so many
> levels.

And it always was. That's precisely why some
are afraid to admit that once, in their youth,
they bought into it.

Or that they still do.

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