The more I see of this convention on TV and all the praise everyone 
is heaping on the Chosen One (i.e, Barack Obama) the more I am 
reminded of a parody that SCTV did in an episode of one of their 
shows.  It was a parody of a well known Canadian game show that was 
popular in the 60s and that all Canadians are familiar with.  
Called "Front Page Challenge", it consisted of a panel of 4 alleged 
celebrities, along with the MC, who used to try and identify a 
mystery guest and the news story associated with him  

However, because they were Canadian, the word celebrity is used with 
a huge grain of salt.  And that was the point of the parody because 
there was always alot of fanfare on the real show surrounding the so-
called celebrities and their introduction to the audience...but they 
weren't really famous and hadn't done all that much.  In reality, 
they would just trying to be like Americans on American game 
shows...but no real American stars would ever come up to Canada and 
be on that stupid CBC show so Canadians had to settle for the home-
grown variety, which was pretty pathetic.

So in the SCTV parody, at that point in the show in which the 
celebrities are introduced and their useless resumes were given out 
by the announcer, the MC, played by Joe Flagherty, would say: "Yes, 
but what have you done?"  And he'd keep repeating that line 
throughout the show as each of the celebrities would try and pretend 
that they were actually somebodies..."yes, but what have you done?" 
(at one point the celebrity played by Andrea Martin said "I've just 
come back from Charlottetown where I played 'Ann' in 'Ann of Green 

Well, anyway, with all this praise being heaped upon Obama at this 
convention the thought keeps coming to mind (in the voice of Joe 
Flagherty): "Yes, but what have you done?"

Perhaps Sal can enlighten me...

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