--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What do each of these statments by BillyG, that pretty
> much represent the Republican position, have in common?
> One word: FEAR
> > If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million 
> > illegal immigrants and they vote (some already are) that will 
> > be the end of America as we know it and the beginning of an 
> > era of Total Democrat Party Rule, yeah, and there won't be 
> > many rich left, except perhaps in government.
> > 
> > Democrats already have 2/3rd of the National Government and 
> > California is already in the irrevocable hands of the democrats 
> > in spite of RINO Swatz...look at what is happening in California, 
> > that is what will be happening in America!
> . . .
> > What happens after the democrats completely soak the rich, will 
> > there be any rich left? And what 'dream' is Teddy talking about, 
> > a congressional pay hike?
> > 
> > In California the Dems pandered so much to the Hispanic vote that
> > white people can barely get elected anymore, is this what is 
> > going to happen to America? Tacos for everybody......the Dems 
> > slogan, how can ya turn that down!
> FEAR is all they have to sell. FEAR is the only force
> in their lives that they understand. FEAR of change,
> FEAR of sex, FEAR of gays, FEAR of immigrants, FEAR
> of someone taking their precious money away, and now
> FEAR of tacos.

Fear of Tacos??  Ha, ha.....well, yes you should fear tacos, you could
get fat!  :-)  

> You want a campaign slogan?
> "Vote Republican...vote FEAR. We'll give it to you 24/7."

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