--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <feste37@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Amazing that even in a topic completely unrelated to TM and 
> > > MMY, this poster still feels compelled to launch an attack. 
> > 
> > Amazing that although I commented on *Maharishi*,
> > not you, you feel you have to respond as if I had
> > attacked you. Some attachment issues goin' on?  :-)
> Most amazing of all, there is *absolutely
> nothing* in Feste's post that suggests he
> took Barry's attack on MMY personally.
> Barry made that up out of whole cloth, as
> he does most of his attacks on TMers.

I see that Ms. I Don't Care What Anyone 
Says, I'm Still Going To Throw My Vote Away 
To Spite Obama For Having W..W..W..Won The
Nomination is having as enjoyable a vacation 
as she always does, and has as meaningful 
and content-filled things to contribute to 
FFL as she always does. :-)

Even *Feste* realized that he had responded
to me basically *telling the truth about
Maharishi* and then extrapolating on that
truth NOT by posting something to counter 
what I said about him, but by ATTACKING ME. 
I called him on his classic True Believer 
behavior, and in his next post he belatedly 
said something with some actual content about 
what I actually said about MMY. 

That followup post, presenting his view of
why he didn't think that Maharishi was as
homophobic as I do, was completely appropriate
and I said nothing in reply BECAUSE it was
appropriate. The first post, attacking me 
but with zero content, I pointed out as what
it was -- classic TM TB kneejerkism. Now
Judy is angry with me for pointing it out.

Please note that JUDY doesn't say anything
to counter what I said about Maharishi, 
either. All she does is jerk her ugly knees. :-)

Feste got his "somebody said something I 
don't like about Maharishi" buttons pushed,
and reacted the way he'd been taught to,
by the TMO and by role models for this kind
of mindless behavior on FFL, like...dare I 
say it...Judy herself. He reacted NOT by 
addressed the criticism itself but by 
trying to trash the critic.

And please note that Judy's ONLY reason for
...uh..."contributing" to this thread is 
once again to trash the critic. She says abso-
lutely NOTHING about the original criticism. 
She can't, because 1) she was never there 
in the room with Maharishi to hear what he 
said about gays, and 2) if she was honest 
with herself she'd agree with me, based on
what she *has* heard second hand, that he
*was* rabidly homophobic. 

The ONLY thing she finds worth saying, up at 
1:00 a.m. in the morning with a screaming 
need to trash someone, anyone, is to replay
another of her endless Gotta Trash Barry 
posts. This behavior is getting even older
than she is, and that's OLD.  :-)

To be honest, that is why I posted what I
did in the first place. I wanted to see who 
was still so lost in TM True Believer Mode 
that they'd come out of the woodwork to 
"shoot the messenger" over a comment about
Maharishi that is basically TRUE.

Feste's response to my comment about MMY 
*was* an attack on me. That's ALL it was. 
There was no other content in his post. 

There was no other content in Judy's post.

This is how they responded. Me suggesting
that the REASON they respond this way is
that they cannot tell the difference 
between someone saying critical about MMY
or another TMer and someone "attacking" 
them personally is conjecture.

But I'll still stand on that conjecture,
because their everyday behavior screams it 
more loudly than any of their pathetic 
attempts to deny it.

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