This is the mantra, that Muktananda used on all of his literature...

Also, what about 'ET'- Remember how important it was for him to phone 

Using the sound OM out load, and seeing how long you can extend your 
voice. This cultures the ability to develope your voice, and 
strengthen your ability to hold a note for a long time.
It is a way to find your 'Natural Voice' also...
Find the voice quality and pitch, which you can extend for the longest 
time. This is your natural voice; not too high or low.
It can help your singing voice.
AAA UUUU MMM can especially be extended in this way, to see how long 
you can extend your voice; after practice, you will be surprise, at 
how long you can go...
Doing this with more than one person is fun also.

'Go OM, Jo jo..'

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