Just another attempt at a smear by some desperate right-wing hack. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [This is my 50th for the week so I will not be able to respond until 
> later today]
> Has anyone heard about this?  I just heard a mention of it yesterday 
> and the details are sketchy but apparently a journalist, Stanly 
> Kurtz, is exposing Ayers/Obama as more than just Barack playing 
> footsies with a self-admitted and unrepentant Weatherman 
> terrorist...and it's going to make the Jeremiah Wright affair look 
> like Mother Theresa sat down for tea with Barack. 
> Barack and Ayers got together to raise funds for some community 
> project.  But there is $50 million or $100 million that Ayers and 
> Obama both, together, applied for and got in public funding for the 
> project that has apparently disappeared. No one seems to know where 
> it is.
> So much for successful community organizing.
> I haven't read the whole thing (you know, my attention span being 
> what it is) but here's an interesting article that Kurtz wrote about 
> the terrorist and Obama: http://tinyurl.com/5v4twh .

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