TurquoiseB wrote:
> My bet is that Judy cannot create such a list in ten hours.
So, you'd be willing to wager how much?

> 1. Create a completely new tax structure that ensures that 
> corporations and non-profit entities like churches that 
> in fact make huge profits cannot avoid paying taxes on 
> those profits. Currently, according to the US government, 
> most corporations pay no taxes. 
> (http://www.wsws.org/articles/2008/aug2008/ctax-a15.shtml)
> As businesses and corporations begin to pay their fair 
> share, reduce taxes on individuals accordingly. 
So, you're in favor of progressive taxation.

> 2. In any country in which American troops are currently 
> "needed" to fight a war there, put democracy to the test 
> and allow the people of that country to decide whether we 
> should stay or withdraw. For example, since we claim that 
> Iraq and Afghanistan are now basically democracies, hold 
> well-publicized and *heavily* monitored elections, and ask 
> the people to vote on: 1) Should U.S. troops stay or withdraw? 
> 2) If stay, for exactly how long? 3) If withdraw, exactly 
> when? Then abide by the decision of the people. 
So, you're in favor of *heavily* monitoring polling places.

> Isn't that what democracy is supposed to be about?
So, you're in favor of direct voting. 

> 3. Given that both Iraq and Afghanistan will vote for us 
> to get the hell out of their countries and we won't be 
> throwing money into those black holes, and given that a 
> fairer tax structure will bring in more tax revenues, use 
> this money to create a massive research program to find 
> and exploit alternative and clean sources of energy. Do 
> nothing to bring down the price of gas; the more expensive 
> it gets, the more likely this new energy program will be 
> to succeed. 
So, you're in favor of redistributing wealth.

> 4. Establish a health care system that provides a basic 
> level of regular preventative (not just emergency) health 
> care for everyone in the country, regardless of whether 
> they work or not, or even if they are just visiting. 
> Individuals can *supplement* this basic level of care 
> with private insurance if they want to get higher levels 
> of service or specialties such as cosmetic surgery, but 
> the basic care is there for everyone. If most of the 
> nations of Europe and even Cuba can do this, why can't 
> the United States?
So, you're in favor of socialized medicine.

> 5. Another sizable chunk of the newly-increased revenue 
> stream should be aimed at eliminating homelessness, and 
> making the availability of a basic level of food and 
> shelter available to everyone. Even one homeless person 
> is too many; three million is *far* too many.
So, you're in favor of welfare.

> 6. Tie the salary rates of school teachers to the salary 
> rates of U.S. Representatives and Senators. Whatever the 
> Senators/Representatives make per year, teachers should 
> make 1% more than that per year. The education of our 
> children is far more important than filling the media 
> with a lot of hot air, and should be recognized as such.
So, you're in favor of raising property taxes.
> 7. Require that all electronic voting machines in America 
> have their software audited by independent computer 
> specialists, and that the machines have an incorruptible 
> "paper trail" that is verified against the electronic 
> totals and the actual ballots before results of any 
> election are finalized.
So, you're not in favor of voting.

> 8. Limit the ability of all parties in national elections 
> to campaign in the media to three calendar months before 
> the election. Any candidate who violates this and spends 
> a penny to distribute print ads, TV commercials or even 
> printed campaign materials by mail earlier than the three-
> month limit has to immediately withdraw from the election. 
So, you're not in favor of free speech.

> 9. Establish laws that define what constitutes "profiteering" 
> in the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Make the 
> penalty for breaking these laws a minimum of 20 years in 
> prison, without possibility of parole.
So, you're not in favor of profiting.

> 10. Establish laws that define what constitutes "profiteering" 
> in the defense industry and for any materials provider or 
> contractor who defrauds or overcharges the U.S. government. 
> Make the penalty for breaking these laws life in prison, 
> without the possibility of parole.
So, you're in favor of imprisonment.

When are you going to turn yourself in to the authorities?

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