--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2008, at 10:32 AM, boo_lives wrote:
> >> Now that's sure a winning ticket.
> >>
> >> I think Michael Palin would be funnier.
> >>
> >> "...but mountain doesn't move!"
> >
> > A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
> > science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
> > contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist  
> > beliefs.
> Plus she's from Alaska, which should net McCain
> about 3 extra votes.
> I wonder if part of the reason they didn't pick her was so
> Biden would be "forced" to go easy  in the debates and
> make her look smarter than she is.
> Sal

I would encourage you to maybe not be so knee-jerk
in your reaction Sal. To do so is to significantly
underestimate the opposition. Have yas travelled
around Alaska and talked to folks or even discussed
her with close friends in AK? She holds a unique
constellation of qualities that makes her very
appealing to a large set of people in the lower 48.
You might be surprised. You might also be surprised to
find her a formidable opponent to Biden in a debate.
Not only does Biden poll towards being deficient in honesty
and warmth, Palin has a reputation of being fearless,
believable, and very well spoken. Comments made earlier 
here on FFL regarding her holding nutcase xtian 
fundamentalist views might also be more  than a little 

I remember reading notes here shortly after Super 
about how badly McCain was going to be beaten.
I sent a reply urging caution. Does it surprise
anyone how closely this race has been polling
with < 70 days remaining?  
I may disagree with Sarah Palin on a great number of 
things, but I would never underestimate her effect on
an election that has been unlike any other in my 



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