Betty Sterling wrote:
> McCain's pick of Palin is another expression of 
> Republican cluelessness. 
McCain-Palin makes a laughing stock of Obama's "change" 
message, Betty, and underscores Obama's inexperience,
since Obama had to bring in Joe Biden in order to
bolster his own foreign relations inexperience. 

McCain with his pick of Palin unifies the Repug party, 
and reaches out to the middle at the same time.

> They nominated a woman this time perhaps thinking the 
> same thing about Hilary supporters. After all, if you'll 
> vote for one woman why not another, even though they 
> share nothing in terms of ideas.  This pick shows disdain 
> for the electorate's intelligence.
There probably won't be very many Hillary supporters
voting Repug simply because McCain picked Pallin. But,
there will be a lot of evangelicals voting for McCain,
and many independents too. But even if a few Hillary
supporters go over to McCain-Palin, that will be enough
to take the Repugs over the top, since Obama and McCain
are neck-and-neck already.

General Election: McCain vs. Obama

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