>From a friend:


Nice article.
People can gossip again.
But Rick, did you know, that on my 6 months course a french guy
really came up in slow motion, stayed few secs, and than came down in slowmo
Only once. And maybe he himself never got it, that he actually was floating.


09/03/08 - Video - Secret Behind Indian Guru Levitation Revealed 
KeelyNetAccounts of Indian Guru Yogis performing acts of levitation have
been documented as far back as 1884, but when a report and pictures were
published in 1936 of Yogi Subbayah Pullavar, an Indian Guru, levitating for
4 minutes in front of some 150 witnesses, a serious interest into Yogis and
their power of levitation. However, even when Yogi Pullavar performed his
trick there was some questions into why he was hidden in the tent before and
after actually levitating in the air. A recent video has surfaced that
uncovers at least one method that Gurus use to Levitate in front of
audiences and it may be the secret behind Indian Guru Levitation. -
n-revealed> Source


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