On Sep 6, 2008, at 9:18 PM, authfriend wrote:

...In a widely quoted 2006 survey

Notice the date, Judy?  2006

Yes, Sal, I did "notice" the date. Did you think it
had some special astrological significance, perhaps?


[Palin] answered during her
gubernatorial campaign, Palin said she supported abstinence-until-
marriage programs. But weeks later, she proclaimed herself "pro-

Ah, she was against contraception before she was for it.
Got it.

Nope, you missed it. Read it again, please,
including the parts you snipped.

and said condoms ought to be discussed in schools
alongside abstinence.

"I'm pro-contraception...

Evidently she forgot to tell her daughter.

Right, nobody *ever* gets pregnant when a condom is
used. They're 100 percent effective, every time.

Ah, it's all the fault of that danged contraception they were using.

And the basis for this latest fantasy comes from...?

And whatever they may or may not have been using (and as
far as I know there's no way to know) isn't premarital
sex kind of a no-no to fundamentalists as well?  You're really
saying that Palin is even more of a phony than she seems?  If
so, I'm in complete agreement.


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