raunchydog wrote:
> Am I better off? How Reaganesque of you. No just pissed off at the
> hubris of the elite left wing of the Democratic party who will doom
> Obama's campaign just as the Stevensonians, http://tinyurl.com/6437pk
> McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry torpedoed any chance of
> Democratic rule. What a bunch of losers. Bill Clinton knew how to
> relate to the common folk, the swing voters, the independents all of
> whom Obama needs to win an election and he hasn't lifted one finger
> except the middle one to court them. The Democrats have shot
> themselves in the foot once again. Obama should be ahead in the polls
> by 15 points and by now but a moose hunting, gun toting GIRL has him
> quaking in his shoes. Head for the Hills, Barky! Oh yeah, that's right
> he IS heading for the Hills...Hillary that is. If Obama wanted Hillary
> to carry his sorry ass over the finish line, why didn't all the
> blogger boys glorify her candidacy instead of that whining wimp they
> want in the White House?  Now that everyone thinks it a good idea for
> Hillary to fight his battles, are they admitting Hillary was the
> better candidate? After all the vile sexist crap the blogs dumped on
> her at DKos Hillary should just give them all the middle finger salute
> like Obama did to her. Besides, Biden, if he's not too loaded, should
> be doing Obama's dirty work on Palin, VP to VP, not Hillary.
Better yet, the Dems could have totally ignored the Reps show and 
continued on as if it didn't happen rather than get wrapped around it.  
That really would have flummoxed the Reps.

However we'll see what happens in a week or two as the shine wears off 
the Rep's week.  I still think Obama will take the election the Reps 
didn't want to win it anyway and are just putting on a show.

Of course we have BushCo taking over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac today.  
So much for Reps being against big government and look for the bill for 
it in your mail.

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