Yes, even during the "Jessup" expeditions to Alaska and Siberia, in an
effort to prove a connection between native Americans and upper east Asians,
the folks on the Jessup expedition witnessed shamans removing their heads
while dancing, tucking them under their arms, as the head continued singing
while the body danced.  Most everyone saw it, though what actually happened,
in the material world, is still unsure.  Mass hypnosis may be part of the
shaman's skills.  This could be similar to community-shared dreams as many
non-materialistic Westerners experience throughout their lives.

The Indian rope trick, where it seems that a "great yogi" climbs up a
suspended rope floating in the air and disappears into the sky is an
exercise in mass hypnosis, which is one reason why at such events the
performers insist that they not be filmed, for the film would reveal that a
rope gets thrown into the air, falls to the ground, while the performers
stand still inducing synergistically the mass hypnosis upon the gullible

However, true levitation does exist, some have done it with great ease,
though somewhat unaware of how they did it.  Occult faculties often become
more conspicuous, especially proactive and projective occult skills,
surrounding the time of puberty.  To the most mundane of people,
particularly those more materialistically inclined, puberty is simply the
time when one develops the physiological skill to procreate, whereas more
subtle insights into puberty show the vijna yogi to understand that puberty
is a transitional moment when the human morphs from sublime receptivity into
profound projective capabilities, of which sexual reproduction is just a
small part.

While the movie "Carrie" was the brainchild of a horror/occult author, and
an imaginative movie producer, it is an exaggerated example of this
projective capability at the time of puberty.

Many years ago I had a chiropractic/naturopathic doctor who had invented a
spinal alignment device, used suspended from a vertical wall, that both got
the kinks out and made a straight spine a more steady experience throughout
the user's day.  One of his first five experimenters with the device
experienced levitation.  Upon arriving at a train station he found and ran
towards his wife waiting for him, whereupon he began to fly above the
surrounding people till he neared his wife and made a soft landing into her
welcoming embrace.  There were several witnesses to the event, none of whom
knew or knew of either person though signed affidavits confirming they
witnessed the whole levitation event.

Dream-flying skills include some of the same faculties that
make levitation.  When I was a kid, as early as three years old and on
through high school years,  I flew in my dreams almost every night and was
able to control the dreams, who I met and where we went.   Working for the
government, my family was transferred every few years to either new states
or other countries, some times transferred with other families we were
friends with, sometimes separated by new transfers.  Some of my closest
friends, who eventually were transferred to other countries, I shared dreams
with -- verified when we talked on the phone when our parents contacted each
other every couple months.

Wanting to be true to our experience, we'd identify a "unique" or "unusual"
experience time or event, indirectly verifying date and experience of the
shared dreams, never missing confirming each other's experience.  Often
their parents would remark to me or my parents about their kids, my fiends,
mentioning having a dream with me on a specific date and time that matched
my own experience.  It was during this period also that I had several
experiences of levitation.

Norman Cousins's testimony finally convinced the ever materialistic
allopathic industry that indeed he had not only heard most every word the
doctors and nurses said while performing surgery on him, but that he had
also seen what they were doing, from below, as if looking up from his body,
and by flying above them as if like a levitating ghost, able to see things
from that vantage point that were impossible from where his body was.  After
centuries of testimony of this capability, throughout allopathy's history
and for many centuries before, all such experiences were dismissed by the
allopathic predators until one of their own, Dr Cousins, gave such striking
details of facts he witnessed while under anesthesia during surgery.

After I had spent more than a decade flying in my dreams, lucidly, I also
experienced physically flying above my bed, which early on, in my
wakefulness I thought had been experienced as dreams, not physicality.  Then
being aware, lucid, when I was in such a state, I looked for confirmation by
'flying' to a part of my room where I would have no way of climbing to the
ceiling, 14 feet high, with any furniture in my room.  I tore fragments of
the farthest ceiling panel and brought them to my bed, upon which I'd find
both the pieces and the torn panel on the ceiling the next morning after
"waking up".

This was happening at a time when I was emphatically atheistic, a state I
would now say was reactive to the hypocritical religious atmosphere in
society than common sense or deep insight.  Yet, these experiences, and
remote viewing at will were making me wonder about our connectedness with
'all things' and a singularity of the universe.  I had dared 'god', if there
is one, to prove to me it existed, and pledged my fealty if it would prove
itself to me and demonstrate that love was unfalteringly constant and
pervasive without a sphincter.  These and other siddhis were beginning to
convince me, as far as I was aware, that indeed there was some such entity
and it was preening me with its love, these siddhis just a gentle gift to
communicate that as there were no saints around me at that time, just
drunkenly bigoted religious impostors and other atheists like myself.

On subsequent I took the challenge to remove whole panels from the ceiling
in my bedroom if and when I flew again, and did, awaking with the panel.s by
my side at morning.  I got so good at it that without attempting to, the
rush of effervescence that happens when the subtler koshas become more
conspicuous, and apparently the kundalini rises, I was standing in our yard
a few feet from the carport and front door, next to the largest tree in the
yard, and found myself spontaneously levitating,.  Again I purposefully
grabbed something up high to pull down with me and have in my hand -- a
flower from the top of the tree, which were growing "only" on the top of the
tree, more than 20 feet high, well above the house.  it was in my hand when
I got to the ground, dialouging with myself that this was real, viklempt as
well because I did this right in front of my mother, mouth agape and eyes

I still challenged myself that this may not have happened, though the next
day as I was on my way to catch the bus to school, she and my dad were in
the living room, on my exit rout out the door, with her telling him,
apparently again, all about her having seen me fly.  Needless to say, she
wasn't speaking with me for a few days, till she could sweep it under her
subconscious rug.  This certainly verified to me further that I was not just
imagining this experience., I just wish she had been more spiritually and
morally mature so she would have communicated with me further about it.
Obviously I was born with more spiritual evolution than either of my
parents, then or now.

Levitating our own bodies, another life form's or a [seemingly] inanimate
object will have to do, in part, to quantum physics.  Today physicists are
inclined to perceive gravity as a field or fields of waves, much the same as
magnetic waves as we see with iron filings on a sheet of paper with an
elongated magnet on the other side of the paper.  Thus, reorienting such
fields can and will result in levitating oneself or others.

How this can be done can seem rather clinical, though it must be said that,
other than an emergency, yet even within emergencies as well, levitation, at
best, results from sublime love steady and constant.  More exactingly, and
demonstrative of this steady love, the key players in yogic terms of causing
levitation include, at the forefront of its cause:  pratyahara, dharana,
pranayama, and ishvara pranidhana.

Levitation can also be a symptom of raising the kundalini above the third
chakra.  The quakes some people experience during deep concentration, the
ones that seem like the Earth is shaking when in fact it is not occur when
the kundalini transcends the upper portions of the 3rd chakra on its way to
the 4th.

When you experience levitation it will resemble, greatly so, the feelings of
fluent flying in your dreams.  Everyone does it, though not everyone
remembers doing it when they are awake.  For people who do remember flying
in their dreams, and even more so when they are lucidly aware of flying
while it's happening and have learned to control their flight, can choose
their location and destination and the company they keep while flying, the
feeling they get while flying in their dreams closely resembles what it
feels like when levitating.  At the moments when levitation occurs,
something of an effervescent sparkle flutters from the top of the belly
below the sternum up to, at least, the heart, and quite probably the throat,
lips and into the nostrils.  It may even feel like you are inhaling
something special at such moments, something subtly sweet and soft as well
as effervescent, and a sweet juice exudes below the tongue.

While Sci-fi special effects on TV may or may not come from someone who has
actually experienced what is portrayed in the movies, that light show you
see in the torsos of people on Star Trek when teleporting is just beginning
closely resembles the kinesthetic experience you have just as levitation,
and other occult capabilities, are about to begin.  If you are comfortable
with flying in your dreams, and you can create the experience while awake,
you are most of the way toward inducing levitation for the prana is flowing
just right to make it reality for you.  Subtle confirmation within that you
accept the opportunity to fly physically will help create the reality.

When a person, early in their practice in making levitation real, is feeling
the moment when it seems about to occur, preserving the equilibrium of both
mind, body and prana, mudras may facilitate fulfilling the occurrence,
especially of arms and eyes.  Most likely arms close to and in front of the
chest will facilitate levitation during wakefulness, and typically, while
eyes are open or closed, they may be moved up and back even while looking
straight ahead or upwards.  The eyes serve as a controlling device, a tuner,
much like the tongue does, especially when applied to the roof of the
mouth.  It's often found that looking down, especially too quickly or out of
shock when realizing you are levitating will force your body to the ground
too quickly, so be careful with your gaze and eye direction till you gain
more experience through practice.  A common way of buffering a fall from
gazing downward will be to look straight ahead and extend your arms out from
your belly as though they were laid upon the arms of an armchair, palms
downward applying mild pressure.  With practice arm or leg mudras will not
be necessary anymore.

As for the mundane physics of levitation, it may become a bit more common
within our lifetimes.  The magnetic resonance of Earth, called the Schumann
factor, has been measured and just a few decades was marked at 32 [of what I
don't remember], while the magnetic resonance of humans is typically in the
low 20s.  [If there's a name for human magnetic resonance I don't remember
what it is, please post what it is if anyone knows.]  Currently the magnetic
resonance of Earth is somewhere in the mid or low 20s.  The closer these two
match, the greater an increase such synchrony will synergize to facilitate
many occult capabilities of humans, even for those who are not well
practiced or well prepared for their occurrence.  With such a matching
resonance empathy across the planet will be hugely enhanced as will
communication with others harmonic within this matrix.  This is very likely
going to happen within our lifetimes.

Any questions?  Contact me.

On 9/4/08, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  --- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Another comment from the guy: " He didnt drop, he came down in slowmo.
> > Most amazing and majestic event I ever saw."
> >
> *I read a reporter in a magazine witnessed an African Shaman levitate in
> front of about 20 people, many Westerners and reporters inside a big tent.
> But the reporter concluded that somehow they had all had a mass-halucination
> of the same thing, but he did not say it was any less significant for it. He
> was completely amazed and respectful of what the Shaman did, even though he
> believed it was a mass-halluniation (not a trick, nor real levitation.) He
> also said everyone said they felt so peaceful and blissful at the time of
> the event too.*
> *OffWorld*
  • ... Peter
  • ... off_world_beings
    • ... Rick Archer
      • ... Vaj
      • ... Rick Archer
        • ... off_world_beings
          • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

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