raunchydog wrote:
> If McCain wins, it's Barky's fault...not Hillary's. 
Now the sexist bias against Palin has become so apparent 
that even some in the MSM are beginning  to take notice, 
especially when thousands of Hillary supporters are 
considering voting for McCain-Palin. 

Not to mention that the informant John Manning has posted 
two lies, so far, about Sarah Palin to this group: one 
about the 'banned' books, and the other about the 'bridge'. 

The Dems and their supporters like the 'Kos Kids' seem to 
be in a real panic! Now here comes Obama calling Sarah 
Palin a 'pig' who smells like a 'fish'.

The sexism is just outrageous!

"Hillary may have the last laugh as the Republicans, with 
Palin leading the charge, are stealing the women vote – a 
bloc Hillary solidly owned and one she could have brought 
home to the Democratic Party on Election Day."

Read more:

'Analysis: Palin Smears Intensify'
Newsmax, September 8, 2008

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