In yet another reversal on one of his core policies, Barack Obama 
announced over the weekend that his proposed tax increases may, under 
his administration, have to be put on hold for the sake of the economy.

In response, the jaws of 10s of millions of liberals throughout the 
United States dropped, causing the mouths attached to them to remain 
open in bewilderment.  The ensuing bad breath that emanated incited 
friends, relatives, spouses, and co-workers to make a run on pharmacies 
all over America, emptying shelves of Listerine, Lavoris, and Scope.

This was a repeat of the phenomenon that happened last week when Mr. 
Obama announced that the Surge in Iraq has worked "beyond my wildest 

Perhaps sensing a backlash to yet another flip-flop on his part, the 
candidate attempted to negate its effects by announcing a new policy: a 
windfall profit tax on mouthwash manufacturers.

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