> From the "what's good for the planet" side, Obama
> is the clear choice. But I can see that from the 
> "what's good for Russia" side, McCain would be the
> preferable choice because, in terms of strategy in
> a nuclear age, he is *exactly* the kind of enemy
> you want to have -- someone who is so predictable
> that you know before he does how he's going to
> react to everything.
OK so McCain gets in on the back of Palin and immediately bombs Iran
because he's a "fighter" so he has to start fights. That means the
Straits of Hormuz are shut and oil goes to $200. Is that good or bad
for Russia? Is that good or bad for the planet? 

I agree that Putin & co might prefer McCain + Palin because the
average level of intelligence goes up when they leave a room. Dim
people do dim things and Russia has definitely benefited from having
Bush in charge. But they might prefer Obama simply because they can
have an intelligent conversation with him.

The most interesting thing, trying to keep roughly to the topic of FFL
is how the TMO will explain a McCain win if America is supposed to be
Invincible. Add that to the hurricane service resuming as normal and
the record number of tornados this year and people have to do some
pretty advance mental asanas to keep believing in the ME.

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