[ The whole article is very worth reading IMO, but
if you're pressed for time, search ahead for the
string "ruthless decision." ]

Why Some Survive Disaster and Some Die
By John Blake, CNN

(Sept. 8) -- Deborah Scaling Kiley still can't break free from 
that night. She can't shake the screams, the image of the 
frothing water turning red, and the sounds of sharks attacking 
the man who had just been sitting next to her.

She still can't forget blurting out the Lord's Prayer to block 
out the cries of the man dying in front of her.

In October 1982, Deborah Kiley and Brad Cavanaugh survived five 
days drifting at sea without food or water after the yacht they 
were in capsized. Their three sailing companions died. Author 
Laurence Gonzales studies survivor stories like these to explore 
why some people make it and others don't.

"As long as I kept saying those words, I knew I was all right," 
she says today. "It was my only proof that I had not gone mad."

Kiley would survive that night, clinging to a dingy in the 
Atlantic Ocean for five days without food and water. But so 
have others in circumstances that seemed as hopeless. They 
are the amazing characters who seem to surface during every 
manmade or natural disaster -- those who survive against all 

What do these survivors share in common? 

That's the question that the author Laurence Gonzales has long 
tried to answer. Whenever a disaster hits -- a cyclone in Myanmar; 
an earthquake in China; a climbing accident in Alaska -- Gonzales 
scans the headlines for the stories of those survivors who made 
it out alive when all others perished.

"I know when something big happens, I know the kind of stories 
that are playing out and the people who emerge from them with 
similar stories," he says.

Gonzales looks for people like Ma Yuanjiang, a 31-year-old power 
plant executive who survived seven days buried under rubble by 
drinking his urine and eating paper after a massive earthquake 
struck China in May. He studies survivors like Ari Afrizal, a 
construction worker who survived the 2005 Tsunami by clinging 
to a raft for two weeks in the Indian Ocean.

Gonzales explains what makes these survivors special in "Deep 
Survival," a book that dissects the psychological and spiritual 
transformation that takes place within people who survive against 
all odds.

Most of these survivors share the same traits, Gonzales says.

A rescuer helps Chris Marino, 12, in the Atlantic Ocean Sunday. 
Marino and his father, Walter, spent 12 hours floating overnight 
before being found separately eight miles off of central Florida. 
Walter had pursued Chris after currents swept the boy away while 

"These are people who tend to have a view of the world that does 
not paint them as a victim," he says. "They're not whiners who 
are always complaining about the bad things that are happening 
to them and expecting to get rescued."

Gonzales says at least 75 percent of people caught in a 
catastrophe either freeze or simply wander in a daze.

"The first thing people do when something bad happens is to be 
in denial," Gonzales says. "People who make good survivors tend 
to get through that phase quickly. They accept the evidence of 
their senses."

Gonzales says many of the disaster survivors he studied weren't 
the most skilled, the strongest or the most experienced in their 

Those who seemed best suited for survival -- the strongest or 
most skilled -- were often the first to die off in life-or-
death struggles, he says. Experience and physical strength 
can lead to carelessness. The Rambo types, a Navy SEAL tells 
Gonzales, are often the first to go.

Small children and inexperienced climbers, for example, often 
survive emergencies in the wilderness far better than their 
stronger or adult counterparts, he says.

They survive because they're humble, Gonzales says. They know 
when to rest, when they shouldn't try something beyond their 
capabilities, when it's wise to be afraid.

"Humility can keep you out of trouble," Gonzales says. "If you 
go busting into the wilderness with the attitude that you know 
what's going on, you're liable to miss important cues."

Survivors tend to be independent thinkers as well. When 
hijacked planes hit the World Trade Center during the 
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, hundreds of workers 
were trapped in the towers. Gonzales says security told many 
of them to stay put and wait for rescue.

Most of those who heeded the directions from security died, 
he says. Most of the survivors decided to ignore security 
protocol. They headed downstairs through a smoke-filled 
stairwell and didn't wait to be rescued.

"They were not rule followers, they thought for themselves 
and had an independent frame of mind," Gonzales says.

Survivors also shared another trait -- strong family bonds. 
Many reported they were motivated to endure hardships by a 
desire to see a loved one, Gonzales says.

Gonzales cites the story of Viktor Frankl, author of "Man's 
Search for Meaning." Frankl survived three years in Auschwitz 
and other Nazi death camps because he was driven by the thought 
of seeing his wife again.

"He spent a great deal of time thinking of his wife and 
motivating himself through his wife," Gonzales says.

Survivors also pay attention to their intuition, Gonzales 
says. If something tells them that the mountain isn't safe 
to climb that day, they'll back out even if they've planned 
the trip for months, he says.

Gonzales followed his intuition once and it saved his life. 
In 1979, a writing colleague asked him to fly with him on a 
flight from Chicago, Illinois, to Los Angeles, California. 
Gonzales declined when he learned that he would fly on a 
McDonnell Douglas DC-10, which had a spotty safety record. 
His decision was unusual -- a boss personally asked him to 
fly with him that day -- but he stuck with it.

Gonzales says he was sitting in his kitchen later that day 
when someone called him and told him to turn on his television. 
The plane he was supposed to be on had just crashed on takeoff, 
killing all 271 people onboard, including several of Gonzales 
colleagues. It was one of the worst aviation disasters in the 
nation's history.

Knowing what to do was not enough for him, Gonzales says.

"It's a story about having the information and using it," he 
says. "So when this trip came up, I was prepared to do something 
out of the ordinary."

'I Closed My Eyes and Prayed and Waited to Die'

Kiley, now 50, also had misgivings about going on the trip that almost
cost her life.

It was October 1982 and she was 26 years old when she boarded a 
sailing yacht in Maine. She joined three men and another woman 
who planned to sail to Florida. But there were signs early on 
that the trip would not be smooth. The men bickered, the yacht's 
captain was lazy, and the ship wasn't properly maintained, Kiley 

The yacht was soon caught in a fierce storm. It was tossed by 
60-knot winds and huge waves. The yacht sank so quickly that 
the five-member crew barely had time to alert the U.S. Coast 
Guard and inflate the rubber dinghy, she says.

During the next five days, the survivors battled dehydration, 
hunger, exposure and massive infections. No ships spotted the 
rubber dinghy and they drifted alone in an open boat.

The crew eventually divided into two camps, Kiley says. Two 
men in the boat started arguing with and assaulting the others. 
They were falling apart emotionally and physically.

Then the crew began to die. Two men couldn't take their thirst 
anymore and drank salt water. They became delusional and 
started hallucinating. Both of them calmly slid off the dinghy 
into a sea full of sharks, convinced they were going to the 
store for cigarettes. They were killed by sharks -- one right 
underneath Kiley's dinghy, she says.

A third crew member, a woman who suffered ghastly wounds to 
her leg when the yacht sank, soon died, Kiley says.

Kiley wondered if she would be next. When sharks attacked one 
of the men in front of her, Kiley says that she thought she 
was going to have a nervous breakdown.

"I closed my eyes and prayed and waited to die," she wrote 
in "The Sinking," an account of her survival.

The sharks moved on, but Kiley had already made a series of 
small decisions that helped save her life, she says. Instead 
of expending much of her energy bemoaning her fate, she planned 
for survival. She covered herself with seaweed for warmth. She 
took on the role of protector, watching out for another man 
in the boat.

She also made a ruthless decision. She kept her distance from 
two male companions in the boat who bickered and cursed with 
the others. She sensed that they were going to die and she 
didn't want to waste precious energy fighting with them.

Even the act of prayer was a survival strategy. Kiley didn't 
know if she believe in God, but her prayer helped her avoid 
the loss of control that doomed some of her companions in 
the boat.

"Surviving is about keeping your wits when everything is 
falling apart," she says.

Kiley says she was also conditioned to be a survivor from her 
childhood. She grew up in rural Texas where she learned to 
survive in the outdoors. Her mother was married several times 
and was a victim of domestic violence.

"I learned as child how to live and adapt to the environment 
I was in," she says. "You never knew what was going to come up."

After five days in the open ocean, Kiley and another man were 
finally spotted and rescued by a passing freighter.

She says the accident changed her. "I learned to accept people 
for who they are and who they're not," she says. "God doesn't 
need me to judge anyone else."

Gonzales, who examined Kiley's survival in his book, says 
Kiley's background helped her survive.

"She grew up having to fend for herself," he says. "She was 
also a very independent thinker and has strong ties at home 
to her mother. She had the whole package and was able to use 
her own anger to motivate herself."

Kiley still sails when she can today. But she says there's 
hardly a day where she still doesn't think about the accident. 
She still has flashbacks from that night at sea that come at 
the oddest of times.

"One minute I would be standing in the shower washing my hair 
and the next minute sitting in the tub sobbing uncontrollably," 
she wrote in her book. "And I was never free of the dreams."

Today she lives in Texas where she is a fitness specialist 
and a yoga instructor. A Discovery Channel documentary was 
made about her ordeal at sea and she continues to lecture 
about her experiences while raising money for domestic 
violence charities.

More than anything, she says, it was her will to live that 
helped her survive.

"You can never give up," she says. "No matter how bad it 
gets, something good is going to come out of it."

A little anger also helped her push through, she says.
"At the point you're alone and scared, you have to create 
a vision for the future," she says. "The vision I had was 
washing ashore and going to the Coast Guard office and 
saying, 'Where the hell have you been!'

"It was enough to help me survive."

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