Yes actually, I am in upper-management in an electronics manufacturing
facility in California, where I have worked for 21 years. And, I have
spent a lot of time in Asia: Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, etc. 

I have just returned, on Aug 22, from spending a month in Asia (where
we own a home btw and the in-laws own two factories). In these places
I have observed employees in all capacities, primarily production
facilities and I can tell you without reservation that the basic
motivating factors for workers in Asia - as elsewhere - are the desire
to feed their family and keep their job – not some kind of honor which
is somehow missing from American workers. 

And yes, the simple fact of life is that workers are cheaper - which
is why businesses go there. In Philippines, for example, the average
wage is $60.00 US a month. Sometimes they "secretly" pay a weekly
bribe to their manager to keep their job. If the factory owner finds
cheaper workers, they will pack up and move in a minute to places like

Asia also has its share of employee theft, sabotage, and "slackers"
it's just that they don't last very long - and there's plenty of
replacements. It's really not very different from the USA at all, in
that regard. People are people wherever you go.

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