The media has been completely in the tank for Obama for months, and
nothing more than a mouthpiece for their corporate and government
allies.  But, with the pick of Palin as VP the Obama campaign went
into hyperdrive, spewing the vile misogynistic hatred they usually
reserved for Hillary. 

Olbermann and Matthews have been having tingling mental sex with
Barack Obama the entire year.  Now they will step down from anchoring
election news, after they let these two jerks run wild throughout the
entire primary season, helping the DNC to "select" a loser for the
Democratic Party.

I will never forgive NBC, for letting these two disgusting
women-hating Obama strokers launch daily characters assassination on
Hillary and now another woman, Palin.

Other employees of NBC find them embarrassing enough to speak out,
even accusing MSNBC, the sexist biased Obama network, of acting like
"heroin addicts".

--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's see if we can change this...Olberman was recently downgraded
> for his political commentary on MSNBC. Let's show Keith that we
> his standing up for democracy and common sense during the Bush years.
> At there is a vote going on for Keith
> Like him or Don't Like him.
> Scroll down the page to see it and vote.
> He had gained in popularity since I first received the post to 40%
positive 60% negative.

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