--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which imperfections are TMers taught to cling to?

I don't believe I was taught to cling to anything
in the TM context. Were you, Vaj?

> often indulge in the imperfections.
> The Ten Imperfections of Insight (vipassanupakilesas):
> An inexperienced meditator may be confused by any of the
> following experiences, mistakenly believing that he or
> she has reached nibbana.
> Though not in themselves obstacles, the meditator may be
> tempted to cling to these experiences, believing them to
> be important, rather than continuing to note the arising
> and passing away of mental and physical phenomena in the
> present moment. At such time the guidance of a teacher
> is invaluable.

Since these are "imperfections" associated with
vipassana meditation, and TM is not vipassana,
it's hard to figure out how any of this would be
relevant to TM anyway.

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