> > http://tinyurl.com/43tnrb Chime in boyz.
> >
Judy wrote:
> We may need to be careful about this one. According to
> a story in the Boston Globe back in 2000, the injuries
> McCain suffered as a POW make it impossible for him to
> use a keyboard. This was well before the question of his
> not knowing how to send email ever arose.
This is a new low for the Obama campaign, as if calling
Sarah Palin a 'pig' wasn't serious enough. Now they've
stooped to making fun of a handicapped person, a POW
no less, and a candidate for president. Obama will be
making a public apology on prime-time for this one, I
predict. Obama is finished now - the contest is over.

What a gaff!!!

"I've always thought that Barack Obama is unqualified for 
the office of President--he isn't qualified to be a 
Senator, either--but I've never thought he was 
particularly mean-spirited. Until now."

Boston Globe:

"McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing 
his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes." 

Read more:

'Obama Gets Tough, Shoots Self In Head'
Posted by John Hinderaker
Powerline, September 12, 2008 


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