On Sep 13, 2008, at 4:56 PM, Patrick Gillam wrote:

> Is there analogy to be drawn with either
> or both of these schools and the open source
> software community? I think of open source
> when you say there's a large community of
> people doing something gratis.

I think there is.

It reminds me of the Rimé "school" (which really wasn't a school) that  
flourished in 1800's Tibet. It brought together realizers who had  
crystallized into a different "schools" of realization that were in  
danger of becoming ossified through their own limitations (much like  
the analogy of the frog in the well, who only could grok the world of  
his own little well due to lack of social sharing).

So they formed a movement that maintained the spirit and letter of  
each but hybridized themselves through non-sectarianism and  
interdependent appreciation.

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