...seems to have morphed into "I am woman, and I 
*demand* that you take me seriously."

"I am woman...ignore the fact that I'm spending
literally all my energy trying to get you to waste
your energy arguing with me, so that I can prove 
you wrong and me right."

"I am woman...and the fact that I can't say the L
word (as in 'Hillary...l...l...lost') proves how 
strong I am and how weak you are for not realizing
that she really won."

"I am woman...and even though I've never accomplished
anything in my life, I identify to a scary degree with
women who have, so that makes me important like them."

"I am woman...and I demand to be treated the way I
see myself, not the way you and everyone else with
half a brain sees me."

"I am woman...and I'm right because I say I am, and
if you disagree with me that's misogyny."

"I am woman...and even though I've never been attrac-
tive enough for anyone of any sex to ever think of
raping me, I'm going to take up the cause of women 
who've been raped and abused and talk endlessly about 
it, trying to turn every conversation on any subject 
back to the persecution of women...you know...sorta 
like a form of verbal rape."

"I am woman...and even though I act in a manner that
makes women who are really strong and really feminist
want to cross the street to avoid being associated
with me, I *demand* that you respect me, and that
you think of me as their savior, the way I think
of myself."

"I am woman...and the fact that I've got a lesbian
crush on Hillary makes her the best candidate for
President, so that's that."

"I am woman...and you are all REEEELY REEEELY 
STOOPID and I'm the only one who is smart."

"I am woman...and I *demand* that you take me 
seriously, even though no one sane possibly could."

"I am woman...and I am an embarrassment to women
everywhere who put their energy into actually accom-
plishing things while I just flap my gums and troll
for attention."

"I am woman?..."

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