amarnath wrote:
> Bill O'Reilly gets his ass kicked by Phil Donahue!!
There's not going to be less war with Obama in the 
oval office, there's going to be more. Barak Obama 
is in favor of bombing Pakistan's tribal areas 
and Obama is in favor of sending in 10,000 more 
U.S. troops. 

Apparently some people are having a really difficult 
time admitting that Obama means more war, not less. 

Barack Obama seems to be the *only* candidate willing 
to face the Afghan-Pakistan war and do something 
about it!

"Recent accounts of murderous violence in the capital 
cities of two of our allies, India and Afghanistan, 
make it appear overwhelmingly probable that the 
bombs were not the work of local or homegrown 
"insurgents" but were orchestrated by agents of 
the Pakistani ISI. This is a fantastically 
unacceptable state of affairs, which needs to be 
given its right name of state-sponsored terrorism. 

Meanwhile, and on Pakistani soil and under the very 
noses of its army and the ISI, the city of Quetta and 
the so-called Federally Administered Tribal Areas are 
becoming the incubating ground of a reorganized and 
protected al-Qaida."

Read more:

'Pakistan Is the Problem'
By Christopher Hitchens
Slate, Monday, Sept. 15, 2008

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