On Sep 20, 2008, at 10:34 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

Okay, I am biased.  It is such an easy accusation to make, "How
ironic McCain accusing Obama of being an elitist when Obama was
raised by single Mom" etc and one I can easily see someone steeped
in TMO culture making.  TMOers just love simple answers that sound
good.  Probably you can make can make a case that either is, or is
not, an elitist.  The comment just struck me as mood making,  that's
all.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but there still seems to be so much
mood making among TMers, that when I think I catch a whiff of it, I
make some noise. :)

Rick's hardly a TMer, he hasn't been part of the TMO
 for over a decade now,
if I'm not mistaken.  He's banned from the domes.   You
may not agree with him, but moodmaking it ain't.


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