TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My Flash player gets easily corrupted (I know - its prolly the porn).
>> But almost daily,  u-tube and other videos run on Flash stop playing.
>> No sound. And usually the video just freezes. 
>> The temp fix is to re-install Flash. Tht takes 10 seconds. But to do
>> that, I have to shut donw Foxfire, And with 30 tabs open -- it does
>> take some time  to reload. 
>> So, not the biggest problem in the world -- but does anyone have
>> similar experience -- and / or have a more permanent solution?
> The issue may not be related to Flash per se
> but to its sensitivity to "available memory."
> The clue may be in your mention of "30 tabs
> open." Every time you open a tab, Firefox 
> assigns an area of memory to it; no other
> application can use that area of memory. And
> an interesting flaw in Firefox is that it
> doesn't release the memory when you close
> the tab; you have to exit from Firefox alto-
> gether to release all assigned memory. This
> is one of the things that Google's Chrome
> browser is supposed to fix.
> I could be completely off-base about this,
> but try exiting from Firefox periodically
> during the day and restarting it, and see if
> Flash continues to misbehave.
This is happening in Windows too?  It happens with Ubuntu but most 
people think it's a problem with Adobe being lazy about the Linux 
version.  I hadn't heard it was happening with Windows.  I installed an 
add-on called "Flash Block" in Firefox which keeps Flash videos from 
opening automatically.  This helped a lot.  It displays an icon where 
the Flash object, such as a video, is supposed to be and you can click 
on it if you want see it.  This has been saving me a lot of lockups 
though it can still happen if I watch a video or listen to streaming audio.

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