Richard Williams wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
>> Change the world.
> So, Obama voted *against* military funding 
> for U.S. troops to fight and win the war.
And just what "war" is that, Willy?  The "war" against the people of 
Iraq?  The "war" which is really a conquest?  The "war" which the 
NeoCons wanted because they "supposedly" didn't want the US to be a 
second rate power?  The "war" which is too expensive for Americans to 
fund?  If you love war so much why don't you offer to pay our share of 
the bill?  A lot of us here didn't want this war and especially its 
expense.  Why don't you go volunteer to fight it?  Maybe they can give 
you a gig as a janitor in Baghdad cleaning up body parts.

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