
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Watch the video. See the side-by-side comparison.
> Think for yourself. Don't allow fuckin' idiots
> who want to tell you that a video clip she never
> deigned to watch is bullshit

(Even though she still thought it was bullshit
after she watched it, Barry means.)

But Barry's right about one thing: Don't take
my word for it about the bailout, don't take Jon
Stewart's word for it, don't take Michael Moore's
word for it, don't take Bush's word for it.
Certainly don't take Barry's word for it!

And don't let yourself be stampeded by popular
opinion from the left *or* the right.

Read up; inform yourself. There's all kinds of
excellent material on the Web from people who
know what they're talking about and are capable 
of explaining the situation in terms a layperson
can grasp. Links to some good pieces have already
been posted here.

First get a handle on what's going on; then read
what experts have to say on both sides of the issue.

*Then* make up your own mind.

Just don't make it up the way Barry has--in
a vacuum.

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