"So, bottom line, the thing has got 
to pass. But it failed today in the 
Democratically-controlled House by 
23 votes, with more than 90 Democrats 
voting against it.

Question: Where is Barack Obama? The 
man is the newly annointed head of 
the Democratic Party. He could tell 
his followers in Congress that for 
the good of the country, they have 
to vote for this, awful as it is. 
Has he? No. Why? Either because he 
doesn't understand what we are 
actually facing, or because he sees 
it's unpopular and hasn't the guts 
to risk his lead in the polls by 
swimming against present opinion.

The country cannot abide such 
"leadership." You can't just vote 
"present" on this one. Nor would 
such a "vote" by Obama be honest, 
since in fact he's not even present
. . . ."

Read more:

'Where is Barack Obama?'
Posted by Paul Mirengoff
Powerline, September 29, 2008

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