Its the trillion+ dollars wasted in Iraq that did it.

BushCo are traitors to the country.


--- In
<> , "Richard J. Williams"
> Who caused the biggest financial
> crisis since the Great Depression?
> Senator Chris Dodd, Chair of the
> Senate Banking Committee. Nancy
> Pelosi, the Speaker of the House.
> And Barak Obama, the Demcratic
> Party candidate, the community
> orgainzer and supporter of ACORN
> in Chicago.
> They put themselves first and their
> country second! Is that the change
> you can count on? I guess so.
> Their "yammering and inaction in
> the face of this financial crisis
> is bad enough, but it is yet more
> frightening to think about what
> Obama would do, or fail to do, in
> the face of the far more malevolent
> and lethal threat we will face if
> and when he occupies the White
> House."
> Read more:
> 'Where is Barack Obama?'
> Posted by Paul Mirengoff
> Powerline, September 29, 2008
> <>
> So, why didn't someone warn us about
> the housing crises?
> "Someone else did. In 2005, John
> McCain  co-sponsored the "Federal
> Housing Enterprise Regulatory
> Reform Act," which among other
> things provided for more oversight
> of Freddie & Fannie. The bill
> didn't pass."
> But, guess who blocked it?
> "The junior senator from Illinois,
> i.e., Barack  Obama, the same Barak
> Obama that chose Jim Johnson,
> former head (1991-1998) of Fannie
> Mae, to help advise him on whom
> to pick for the vice-presidential
> candidate."
> Is this the same Jim Johnson who
> from 1985 to 1990, was managing
> director of Lehman Brothers?
> P.S. You might also want to check
> out one of Barack Obama's other
> advisors: Franklin Raines, former
> CEO of Freddie Mac.
> Read more:
> 'Who caused "the biggest financial
> crisis since the Great Depression?'
> Posted by Roger Kimball
> <>

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