Doesn't this whole thing just mean, that our economy is slowing down...
And why is that necessariliy a bad thing.
Hasn't our economy been over heated for years.
A bloated housing bubble, based on bad loans.
A bloated money war economy sending Billions to Iraq.
A bloated oil policy sending Billions to oil producers.
And the corporaization  of Amerika and Walmart and China and all of 
those loose ends.

Phat houses, phat suv's, phat wars overseas, skimming here and there,
and so the thing has to slow down.
Slowing down means living more simply.
Slowing down means burning less gas.
We have already over built the housing market,
It needs to slow down.
But we do need infrastructue jobs and repairs.
And we do need social programs for the people.
And we do need to develope our culture in other ways, beside 
supporting the bankers on Wall St.

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