"Obama Jugend singt für Änderung" by Uppity Woman 10/1/08
Cross-posted from "The Real Barack Obama" mainly because watching those
Children Who Know Not What This Means just sickened me and I simply
couldn't handle writing about it myself. Their parents are young.
They do not know their history very well. At all. You can't blame
them. But I cannot forgive Barack Obama for stimulating this kind of
behavior from Another Time and Another Place. I knew. I knew when I saw
his first rally where his Playbook resided. This post must have been
very difficult for Procrustes to gather. I am grateful. And afraid.

"Youth serves the leader." Bottom text: "All teens into the
Hitler Youth"


Townhall.com's Amanda Carpenter wrote September 30, 2008, about the
"video circulating on the internet of school-aged children singing
in support of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama [that] is
rocketing its way around the Internet."

The Drudge Report linked to the YouTube video declaring "Obama Kids
Sing for Dear Leader" Tuesday afternoon drawing much attention to a
performance of 22 children, aged 5-12, wearing identical blue Obama
shirts singing a 3-minute ode to the Democratic candidate.  video posted

The following comment accompanied the YouTube links: Please notice the
person leading the children….This is what is done in Communist
Countries to children….In Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, etc.

http://tinyurl.com/3nckhe <http://tinyurl.com/3nckhe>

http://tinyurl.com/4r7wjx <http://tinyurl.com/4r7wjx>

http://tinyurl.com/4fsagg <http://tinyurl.com/4fsagg>


InsightAnalytical-GRL says this is Obama's Very Own Cultural
ution-were-gonna-change-it-and-rearrange-it/> .


If the link to this YouTube video goes down, here's the link to
.html> , which has the embedded non-YouTube link.

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