Ho Ho Ho Chi Min
Was Lyndon Baines Johnson a '60's radical, too?
Well, Define radical= Irrational and Violent.
Was LBJ irrational and violent?
Well, after he was told by Robert McNamara,
His Secretary of Defense(Offense?)...
That he was told by Robert McNamara, 
That the Viet Nam war was Unwin-able,
Short of a Nuke...
Lyndon would not give it up.
B-52's continued to carpet bomb, for many years.
Napalm continued to burn human flesh,
For many years.
LBJ kept on fighting it,
Because he did not want to be the first president,
To lose a war.
So, I believe that would make him a sixties radical,
Which helped create all the other sixties radicals.
Check out the Wall in D.C.
It's a very sad and tearful place, 
Evem to this very day.


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