--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Keep this line of thinking going, Bongo.  Because, by implication, 
> your reasoning can be applied to Barky.
> Hmmm.  Let's see. The founder of an organisation that the husband of 
> the VP candidate belongs to expressed WORDS of hatred for America.

You left out that the AIP still has secession as a goal and still
honors the words of its founder and that Todd Palin has been a member
for 7 years and that Sarah Palin introduced their 2008 convention.

Neither one of them has, to my knowledge, ever repudiated those WORDS
nor the basic tenets of the secessionist AIP.

> Yet Barky himself -- not his wife -- was intimately connected with 
> and worked closely with a non-repentant self-admitted terrorist...not 
> someone who expressed, through his freedom of speech, words of hatred 

Obama was 8 years old when that happened and never had any association
with Ayers in any way until decades later when he participated in a
widely respected education project with a team that included a fully
rehabilitated Ayers and others - all of whom had nothing at all to do
with Ayer's' past.

> Yes, genius, keep this sort of thing up.  It should bode well for the 
> Obama campaign.

I don't have any doubt that Obama's campaign will successfully weather
the admitted last ditch desperate effort by the McCain people to
resort to intense negative less-than-truthful smears. They simply
cannot win any other way.

Half-truths, misrepresentations, omissions, distortions, exaggerations
and flat out lies are what characterize the claims *and integrity* of
the right wing freaks and low-life slime trolls like Magoo.

After having been burned so badly by the bullshit and lies of BushCo
and its 'culture of corruption' rubber stamp GOP Congress, the
American people appear to be more savvy lately than to accept more of
the same in the form of a negative smear campaign by McCain/Palin and
their surrogate noise makers who offer little if anything that's
substantive real positive change for the nation and regular Americans
at all - just a continuation of more of the same self-service and

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