> But it is hard to do, first of all, because of your qualifier of not 
> to include why I would be voting against Obama. Because voting 
> against Obama would be the main reason for me to vote for McCain.
Yes, you have answered my question brilliantly, my friend.
You have stated, that instead of a postive intention, with your hand 
on the lever, you would vote against someone.
Because it is our intention, that creates, because of Karma, and 
because of our Samsaras, then we repeat electing, or just going along 
with the rest of the Sheep, who are generally either sleep walking or 
dribbling on some alcoholic fruity drink; some even go to Vegas, the 
military types, really love Vegas for some reason(subconscious raping 
and pillaging, perhaps?)...hey what goes in Vegas, Stays in Vegas, 
Anyway, we electing Hitler, back in the thirties, remember?
We elected him, to save Germany, from those greedy Jewish bankers, 
don't you remember?
And we looked the other way, when we heard the screams.
We played the drums louder, we turned up the heat, the volume, 
The Bass, boom, boom boom, more meth, more, more, greed, lust and 
death., ashes to Ashes.
And we paid dearly, for our madness...lost in a dark place, wondering 
how we had gotten there, so quickly we had been fooled by the dark one.
Let's not get fooled again!
Vote for someone, this time.
Not just for the lust of voting against someone...

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