--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of enlightened_dawn11
> Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 11:13 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jefferson County Supervisors
> the pathetic elitist attitude comes not from the Maharishi's
> message, but rather from their misunderstanding of reality, being
> locked into a dualistic perspective. Duality breeds conflict. It has
> nothing to do with the Maharishi's message.

> Maharishi was very much into hierarchies and establishing pecking
> usually based on how much money one had. He also regarded the common
man as
> incapable of making sensible decisions, hence his "damning" of
democracy. He
> once said of the Labor Party in the UK, "They are laborers. They
> be running the government. Just give them a shovel and tell them where
> dig."


You are not capable of understanding what MMY said. Of course you don't
hand the govt to oafs -- the current U.S. govt is proof that this is
unwise. But MMY did not intend that people should be locked into low
levels of life, lorded over by somebody. The whole point of the revival
of Vedic wisdom (the centerpiece of which is TM, for unfolding  total
awareness for all individuals) is that people will be able to live
happily without being administered by anybody:

Highlights from the page below:

"there is no ruler, no ruled" "There is nothing to administer"

"When there was lot of administration, there was a lot of controversy to
be reconciled here and there and there so far. So for the assembly of
mankind there was administration needed, but now today that
administration will be just a name, and a name may show some shadow of
it. But in reality the world is going to be administered on its own
which is the ultimate level of, for want of a word we say, Being, Being,
Being, Being."
http://tinyurl.com/2sk9ax <http://tinyurl.com/2sk9ax>    Celebrating the
tenth and final day of the global Coronation of six new Rajas of the
Global Country of World Peace: Maharishi's address - Part II
by Global Good News Staff Writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
2 November 2007

During the second session on the tenth day of the global Coronation,
Maharishi said, 'Today is the Puja [Vedic ceremony of gratitude] where
that omniscient, omnipresent, almighty characteristic quality of the
ruler of the ever-expanding universe is open to our awareness. . . . Now
we are at the basis of the Constitution where the Constitution is
applicable to oneself, and when Constitution is applicable to one's
Self, there is no ruler, no ruled—simple Unity prevails.'

At the beginning of his talk, Maharishi said, 'Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru
Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Today's Puja to Guru Dev* takes us completely,
completely on the lap of Guru Dev. The supreme affection of Guru Dev, we
are expressing, we are experiencing today, now, on this 10th Day of
Purusha Coronation. Something concrete that is coming to our
awareness—the nature of Purusha, which was so far hidden by the
divided eight Prakritis. Since yesterday, when we did the 9th day Puja
of the Coronation, Paraprakriti** has been awakened in our awareness,
Paraprakriti has been awakened on the experiential level of our

'This is Rishitau, the Sakshitau, the witnessing quality of our Self.
It's difficult to say, but the reality is that the witnessing quality of
our Self is in that warmth, in that absolute softness where silence is
being crowned with dynamism, eternal silence with eternal dynamism, for
eternal supreme quality of administration wherever administration is in
our world, or in our heaven, wherever, wherever, wherever.

'Purusha***, being open to his own nature, and what is in the nature of
Purusha? Pure silence, fully awake in itself, that wakefulness for which
the Vedic expression is Yatah Raja—''As is the Ruler, as is the
administrator,'' Tatah Prajya—''so is the administered.'' The
process of administration and the administered come on a level that in
itself is completely, eternally unified in its infinite diversity of the
action principle.

'In the action principle there is an actor, process of acting, and the
object of action. Three values are there, but three values in one
awareness. That is the Purusha, Purusha, the eternal ruler of all
dynamism, the eternal ruler of the ever-expanding diverse universe. The
ruler in the oneness is omnipresent, omniscient.

'So today is the Puja where that omniscient, omnipresent, almighty
characteristic quality of the ruler of the ever-expanding universe is
open to our awareness. Puja at the feet of Guru Dev, with the Purusha,
who are officially embarking upon the responsibility of absolutely
remaining self-referral without divorcing the multiplicity which
requires administration.

'In the world of multiplicity, [there are] all trends in all directions,
but in the awareness of the Purusha, all these directions miraculously
unify and they create a unified state of administration, a unified state
of administration. There is nothing to administer. State of Being, there
is no be-coming. There is no path. That is the state of the goal of all
paths, the self-administered state of Unity Consciousness.

'Today is the day with the Puja to Guru Dev, all the Purusha, the
Purusha, the Purusha—now I am tempted to say—the element of
Purusha, the lively witnessing quality of the administration dawns.

'We have had Purusha Rajas; this coronation of the Purusha Rajas is a
very special characteristic quality of the administrator. It is himself,
without a second, a state of perfection. In the Unity, there is nothing
to administer. [It is] that supreme quality of administration on the
level of ultimate reality where there is nothing to rule.

'Rule is a rolling quality, it's this and this, this and this. It's
nature, a Constitution, but now we are at the basis of the Constitution
where the Constitution is applicable to oneself; and when the
Constitution is applicable to one's Self, there is not ruler, no
ruled—simple Unity prevails. Opening our awareness on that supreme
quality of—if we want to say, administration, no harm—but there
are not two, there is no administration. It is the state of Being, to
Be, to Be, to Be, to Be.

'Very fortunate Purusha, and very fortunate I am and very fortunate our
dear first ruler of the world [Maharaja Nader Raam
<http://www.globalcountry.org/EasyWeb.asp?pcpid=45> ] is, that he is in
that position today that he is established in his own perfect level of
Unity. Of course, as before, there is no difference in that state, but
he makes it concretely breathe its own special feature, special quality
of administration, that it administers itself without administering.
That is the state of perfect administration.

'This is that level from where speech returns, leaving off the speaker
to himself, and the speaker has nothing to speak. Being. Being. Being.
It is ''Be all'' and ''end all'' of everything on its own simple,
self-sustained, self-contained, self-breathing Unity.

'Beautiful Purusha. Let the formality of being coronated be completed
today. Complete the formality. Your status is already there. It's not
that we are reaching it, but we are simply established in it. All Glory
to Guru Dev.

'This Puja on the 10th Day of Coronation is a beautiful admittance of
the ability of Purusha to be himself. We talk like that only because we
have been in the divided nature of Prakriti. And since yesterday, 9th
Day Puja, we have opened our awareness to the Pararakriti and today, to
that big, unmanifest.

'From one angle, [it is] a big nothingness. From the other angle, [it
is] Totality of itself, fully awake in oneself. When it is fully awake
in itself, then today's Puja has been on a very grand level. [Every]
move, every item of offering has a different quality compared to the
previous, compared with the previous, and we think on itself it is
Totality, Totality, Totality.

'So, Purusha, now gaining official status of administation. Purusha,
Being, administrator, official administrator of the universe. Purusha,
congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. Come back home from
diversity to eternal Unity. Unity handling itself is the administration
of Purusha—unmanifest compared to the time when there was a lot of

'When there was lot of administration, there was a lot of controversy to
be reconciled here and there and there so far. So for the assembly of
mankind there was administration needed, but now today that
administration will be just a name, and a name may show some shadow of
it. But in reality the world is going to be administered on its own
which is the ultimate level of, for want of a word we say, Being, Being,
Being, Being.

'We can imagine what fullness, even though there is nothing new about
fullness. There is natural fullness in the awareness, in the
consciousness of our dear Raja di Raja [Raja of Rajas], Maharaja Nader
Raam, but nevertheless there is something special, and what is special
today? The same thing in which dear Raja Nader Raam is

'He is consciously, silently established in himself, ruling the world
without any action of ruling. Just Being is ruling on that level. But we
can imagine the silent laughter in the Being, the silent Being of our
dear first ruler of the world, what he is seeing.

'Today he is multiplying himself. Today he is multiplying himself; [it
is] a formality, the formality of multiplying, because in the eternal
Unity of Purusha there is no multiplication or no division, no minus, no
plus, no division—that absolute, fulfilled state of the eternal
administrator, in which Raja Raamji feels—more than ever
before—there is no variation, but nevertheless the sense of that
fullness. This is what we have done to ourselves, to our environment, by
today's 10th Day Puja to Guru Dev.

'Now Dr Feldman [Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning
of the Global Country of World Peace <http://www.globalcountry.org/> ],
invite the Vedic Pandits to formally bless the occasion and let us feel
that we are there. The recitation of the Constitution of the Universe
32>  by the Vedic Pandits will miraculously enliven that thing which is
our, I would say, new home, cosmic home. This is the Grace of Guru Dev
and our first ruler of the world will have that, from our side.

'He is established in whatever [is] the ultimate. From himself, he has
nothing to face new. But from our side, from our side we feel to offer
ourselves to that. So ask the Vedic Pandits to recite the 10th Day
Coronation Ceremony in their usual traditional way.

'Dr Feldman, you are very, very fortunate so please complete the
proceedings of the 10th Day Ceremony with the Vedic recitations by the
Vedic Pandits and invite them to shower the blessings of today's Puja to
Guru Dev in their own traditional way.

All Glory to Guru Dev. Guru Dev Vijayante Taram [victory to Guru Dev].'

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